
“Esquilino chiama Roma”. Conoscenza integrata, condivisa e applicata per la rigenerazione urbana grazie ad una heritage community

Among the richest and most problematic districts in Rome, the Rione Esquilino is marked by very dense historical and archaeological evidence that highlights the city’s grandeur. Here, the complicated overlapping of monuments and late XIXth century urban fabric intertwines with a multi-ethnic social structure. This combines old and new residents, Italians and Europeans, tourists attracted by cheap accommodation, economic operators, mostly Asian and moreover engaged in non-legal activities, and numerous homeless.

In Rural Villages and the Suburbs. Italian Experiences with Museums and Ecomuseums

Two heritage-making processes, from very different contexts of rural and urban Italy, improve our vision and understanding of the connection between the museum paradigm/experience and the intangible cultural heritage (ICH) safeguarding challenges. On the one hand, the Casa Lussu experience shows the importance of local museums s buildings blocks of a traditional weaving revitalization project. On the other hand, the Casilino Ecomuseum is ad example of a community-based ICH process in an urban context, and the pertinence of the ecomuseum paradigm to deal with such complexity.

The degree course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques of Sapienza and Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome: technology enhanced active and collaborative learning

This paper describes the degree course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques delivered from 2017 by Sapienza and Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome. This is an entirely online course in which the designers decided to integrate classic e-Learning with a participatory and collaborative approach, safeguarding the strengths of both models. To this end, the degree course is based on three fundamental pillars: a theoretically anchored design, an experienced team of teachers and tutors, a flexible and rich Learning Management System such as Moodle.

Knowledge and participation. Moving towards scientific citizenship

The scientific and technological progress of the first modernity developed through the centralization of intel- ligence, power and risk control, which was concentrated in technical structures comprising technicians, special- ist, decision makers. One of the challenges of the modern knowledge society is the development of more appropriate forms of democratic participation to incorporate scientific innovation and technology through an expansion of citizenship rights.

Evaluation of Hospital Outdoor Spaces Through Users' Participation Analysis

Hospital outdoor spaces (HOS) play an important part of the Healthcare facilities, with a particular impact on the healing process, which is possible to evaluate by their cultural, social, ecological and economic characteristics and values (Ulrich 1984, 2001, Burnett, 1997; Marcus and Barnes, 1999). However, this paper argues that research studies refer to HOS only as residual spaces to support medical activities.

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