physical activity

Are health literacy and lifestyle of undergraduates related to the educational field? An italian survey

Background: Health literacy (HL) is a fundamental ability to successfully deal with health and illness issues. This study aimed to assess HL among undergraduates from healthcare and non-healthcare degree courses of two Italian universities and the association between their HL, lifestyles, and BMI assumed as health outcome. Methods: The Health Literacy Assessment Tool (HLAT-8) and the Newest Vital Sign (NVS) were used to assess health literacy dimensions.

Sedentary behaviors and physical activity of Italian undergraduate students during lockdown at the time of CoViD-19 Pandemic

Background: From March to May 2020, lockdown measures were adopted in Italy to contain the epidemic of the novel Coronavirus. People were forced to restrict their movement and social contacts, therefore having a higher risk of inactivity. This study, carried out among Italian undergraduates, explored their sedentary and physical activities (PA) during the lockdown with respect to their previous habits. Methods: An electronic questionnaire was administered once to students attending three Italian universities after the end of lockdown.

Preventive medicine center and health care for students of medicine and health professions at the Sapienza University of Rome: a research protocol

This project aims to develop a Center of Preventive Medicine and Health Care for the students of Medicine and Health profession
at Sapienza University of Rome. At the beginning of the university career students, both residents and nonresident s, have to face
several difficulties such as: starting smoking or the increase in cigarette consumption ; the independent management of their own
health (especially for non residents consequently to the distance of the family doctor) ; unhealthy diet; tuberculosis (TB) biological

Skeletal muscle fiber size and gene expression in the ldest-old with differing degrees of mobility

The oldest-old, in the ninth and tenth decades of their life, represent a population characterized by neuromuscular impairment, which often implies a loss of mobility and independence. As recently documented by us and others, muscle atrophy and weakness are accompanied by an unexpected preservation of the size and contractile function of skeletal muscle fibers. This suggests that, while most fibers are likely lost with their respective motoneurons, the surviving fibers are well preserved.

The effects of physical activity on social interactions. The case of trust and trustworthiness

There is no doubt that physical activity improves health conditions; however, does it also affect the way people interact? Beyond the obvious effects related to team games, we wonder whether physical activity has in itself some effect on social behavior. Our research focuses on the potential effects of physical activity on trust and trustworthiness. Specifically, we compare the choices of subjects playing an investment game who were previously exposed to short-time physical activity to others who are not exposed to it, but involved in different simple tasks.

Walkable environments and healthy urban moves. Urban context features assessment framework experienced in Milan

Recenti studi sulla salute pubblica si sono concentrati sulla determinazione delle influenze dell'ambiente costruito sullo stato di salute fisica e mentale della popolazione. Al fine di promuovere il trasporto attivo e l'attività fisica, considerati comportamenti favorevoli per la prevenzione delle malattie non trasmissibili (NCD) come l'obesità, è necessario ridurre gli effetti negativi dell'ambiente costruito e sviluppare quelli positivi, come, ad esempio, uno spazio urbano percorribile.

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