Pier Paolo Pasolini

Giovani e gioventù tra "forma" e "omologazione": Gombrowicz e Pasolini intorno al '68

The article is a parallel reading of some literary and nonfictional works of Witold Gombrowicz and Pier Paolo Pasolini, concerning ‘youth’ and ‘young people’ in the 1960s, particularly around 1968. In spite of the substantial dif- ference between the youth movements in the West and in Eastern Europe, as well as despite the immense diversity between the ways of life and world views of the two authors, it is still possible to notice astonishing similarities in their ideas.

Vent'anni di romanzi in versi

Il contributo spiega il ritorno del romanzo in versi a metà del Novecento, nei decenni Cinquanta e Settanta, scegliendo alcune opere esemplari sotto il profilo storiografico, letterario e didattico. Il saggio contestualizza, presenta e analizza «La Ragazza Carla» di Elio Pagliarani e «La capitale del nord» di Giancarlo Majorino, osservandone le differenze di stile e di poetica. Il capitolo procede oltre gli anni Cinquanta contestualizzando, presentando e analizzando «La tartaruga di Jastov» di Giorgio Cesarano.

Pasolini e il Sessantotto: il tedoforo del desiderio?

Desire cannot be taught, only witnessed. In Pasolini's pedagogical attitude there is an attempt to transmit the ability to desire to young people. But is it possible to convey the desire? To what extent is the ability to desire inherited? To witness this ability, the result of a mixture of times and affections, to transmit that legacy, became Pasolini's last task, through “indialectic” works, open to the contradiction of life: the screenplay of the film he never accomplished on Saint Paul, and then Teorema, The New Youth, Salò, and Petrolio.

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