
The Politics of Land: Dominant Regimes and Situated Practices

This special issue examines the politics of land focusing on the
intersections of dominant land and property regimes and situated land
practices that are not characterized by open conflict, but rather
mundane everyday negotiations. The selected papers show that the
interrelations between landed practices and regimes of land are
extremely variegated and complex, shaped by socio-economic factors as
well as by their own peculiar geographies and temporalities. Thus, they
can be examined most adequately in the specific geographic, socioeconomic

Introduction to the special issue: The politics of land – dominant regimes and situated practices

This special issue examines the politics of land focusing on the
intersections of dominant land and property regimes and situated land
practices that are not characterized by open conflict, but rather
mundane everyday negotiations. The selected papers show that the
interrelations between landed practices and regimes of land are
extremely variegated and complex, shaped by socio-economic factors as
well as by their own peculiar geographies and temporalities. Thus, they
can be examined most adequately in the specific geographic, socioeconomic

The graphic representation of political space. How cartography shapes our world views and why Geopolitics should care about it

In recent years the issue of space has returned to arouse the interest of those who study international politics from various disciplinary perspectives. If during bipolarity there was little interest in spatiality, both because its dual scheme was highly evident and because
the two ideologies of reference explained the reality according to factors which were substantially indifferent to space (the class struggle and popular democracy on the one hand and market laws and liberal democracy on the other), the end of the Cold War has made it

Need for closure effect on collective action intentions and behavior toward immigrants in Italy: The mediation of binding foundations and political conservatism

Why are people (de)motivated to mobilize in favor of immigrants? Addressing this question, we investigated the role of individuals' epistemic motivation (i.e., need for closure) in influencing the process of becoming motivated to participate in collective action in favor of immigrants in Italy. Specifically, the mediational role of binding moral foundations and political conservatism in explaining the relationship between need for closure and collective action in favor of immigrants was examined in three studies.

Gender issues in the Italian political domain. Are woman / man ministers evaluated as different in terms of effectiveness of their behavior?

Although women have a growing representation in the Italian political sphere they are still often faced with sexism, borne out of feminine stereotypes, that is naturally not shared by their men col- leagues in office. We investigated these stereotypes in the context of recent research on stereotypes to- ward women leaders.

Improving social stability: a democracy perception analysis in the European area

The present work aims to analyse the current perception that European citizens have of Western democracies due to an extensive empirical study. The comprehension of the way people perceive and consider their democratic institutions is a key issue in the sociological and socio-political perspectives. Having a clear understanding of this macro-issue is a fundamental stage to approach the final goal of improving social and political stability.

Autorganizzazioni urbane. Capacità di futuro e ‘politica significante’

A Roma si moltiplicano le esperienze di autorganizzazione, non soltanto legate alle occupazioni a scopo abitativo. D’altra parte, non solo a Roma, ma anche nel resto d’Italia e all’estero, emergono diffusamente nelle città pratiche e processi di autorganizzazione. Le forme di autorganizzazione rivelano sicuramente grandi potenzialità. In primo luogo esprimono un protagonismo sociale che comporta l’attivazione di importanti capacità sociali di organizzazione. In secondo luogo, permettono di costruire tessuto sociale e valori simbolici. Svolgono inoltre un servizio “per” e “sui” territori.

Primo piano: Luca Mencacci. The Best Man. Le campagne elettorali viste da Hollywood

Il cinema americano può essere letto attraverso le lenti della scienza politica. Lo mette in mostra il libro di L. Mencacci "The Best Man" sulle elezioni americane viste dal cinema hollywoodiano. Emerge la sua capacità di illustrare le categorie politiche volte ad illustrare i processi mediatico-culturali che determinano fatti ed eventi legati alle elezioni presidenziali. Connettendo cinema e politologia l'autore ci dà così un ampio quadro della scienza politica americana del XX secolo.

Rappresentazioni di genere in politica. Il Ministro e la Ministra. Tra valutazione di efficacia, stereotipi di genere, prescrizioni di ruolo e sessismo linguistico. Primi risultati di un'indagine empirica.

The research has investigated the role of sexist language, gender stereotypes, and roles
prescriptions in the political sphere. It was framed in the tradition of social representations. We
have studied the impact of specific linguistic categories – relative both to masculine or feminine
declination for a Minister's political office, and to the use of references to stereotypical or counterstereotypical
behaviours - on 1) the evaluation of political effectiveness, 2) the associations to the

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