
The politics of juridification

The Politics of Juridification offers a timely contribution to debates about how politics is being affected by the increasing relevance of judicial bodies to the daily administration of Western political communities. While most critical analyses portray juridification as a depoliticizing, de-democratizing transferral of political authority to the courts (whether national or international), this book centres on the workable ambivalence of such a far-reaching phenomenon.

The legacy of pluralism. The continental jurisprudence of Santi Romano, Carl Schmitt, and Costantino Mortati

How should the state face the challenge of radical pluralism? How can constitutional orders be changed when they prove unable to regulate society? Santi Romano, Carl Schmitt, and Costantino Mortati, the leading figures of Continental legal institutionalism, provided three responses that deserve our full attention today. Mariano Croce and Marco Goldoni introduce and analyze these three towering figures for a modern audience.

Donne si nasce o si diventa? Note su identità e politica nel pensiero femminista

The paper aims at offering an analysis of the development of feminist thought
(mainly in Europe and North America) looked through the notion of identity, in its
personal and political uses. The leading idea presented is that this analysis may offer
interesting considerations leading to a weakened understanding of this notion.

La 'politica divina' dell'Iliade

Pochi argomenti hanno impegnato i lettori e gli studiosi di Omero più della rappresentazione degli dèi nell’Iliade e nell’Odissea: dalle critiche di Senofane e Platone, agli allegoristi attivi già in età arcaica, per arrivare alle controversie recenti (quella ad esempio tra J. G e J. Redfield). Ripercorrendo gli aspetti salienti di queste dispute, si tenterà di mostrare come la rappresentazione degli dèi nei poemi omerici si intrecci con un tema dominante nei poemi, quello (analizzato da G.

Varia historia ovvero "come vendere la Città" (Vario Rufo tra politica e poesia da Virgilio a Lucano)

The aim of this paper is to offer a study on L. Varius Rufus and his works (especially the poem De morte), seen mainly in their strict relation with some fundamental authors and texts of Augustan poetry: Virgil’s Bucolics, Georgics, and Aeneid; Horace’s Sermones and Carmina; Propertius 2.34 (new arguments are also proposed in favour of the identification Lynceus = Varius in this elegy). Varius’s reinterpretation, especially in Virgil, has been often considered a typical example of ‘arte allusiva’ (virtually from Macrobius to G. Pasquali).

The Italian ‘Seventies: tracing the origins of Italian modernity

The contributors deal with several ‘facets’ of the Italian seventies. Simona Colarizi provides an overview of the decade, analysing in particular the categories of movements, reforms, democracy, and transition. The article by Eugenio Capozzi focuses on the growing sentiment of hostility towards professional politicians, taking into account its origins and causes.

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