pop culture

In the Beginning There Was the Radio. Contexts and Genres of Radio Entertainment

Il capitolo tratta del ruolo della radio nella cultura popolare in Italia, focalizzando l'attenzione sullo spettacolo leggero. Si ricostruiscono - utilizzando ove possibile documenti originali d’epoca - le principali tappe di trasformazione della radio in un “medium of the people”, a partire dalla seconda metà degli anni Venti.

«The Karma of Chicken Curry». Tibetan Masala films and youth narratives of exile

This essay offers a preliminary study of the cultural translation practices by young Tibetan exilic filmmakers in India, whose films, rather than rejecting the masala formula offered by Bollywood, have tentatively adapted it to the expectations of a Tibetan diasporic audience looking for a cinema capable of attending to the escapist needs of their minds while simultaneously catering to the intimate dreams of their hearts.

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