preschool children

Relations Between Sleep and Temperament in Preschool Children With ADHD

Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the links between temperament and sleep in a group of preschoolers with ADHD. Method: Twenty-five ADHD (M = 5.37 years, SD = 1.09) and 22 typically developing (TD; M = 5.10, SD = 1.18) preschoolers participated in the study. Sleep was assessed with the Sleep Disturbance Scale and wrist actigraphy. The Preschool Temperament and Character Inventory (PsTCI) was used to evaluate the child temperament.

Peer Victimization, Social Functioning, and Temperament Traits in Preschool Children: The Role of Gender, Immigrant Status and Sympathy

Although previous research on peer victimization has focused on school-aged children and adolescents, interest in peer victimization in preschool children has significantly grown in recent decades. The present study examined the role of temperament traits and social functioning in children’s peer victimization, taking into account the moderating effects of gender, immigrant status, and sympathy. Participants were 284 preschool children (141 girl, 143 boy) between the ages of 30 and 76 months (Mmonths = 57.21, SD = 10.49).

Indagine sui bambini di 5-6 anni che usano quotidianamente i dispositivi mobili in ambito familiare. Caratteristiche personali e contestuali e problematiche cognitive ed emotive

La diffusione tra i bambini di dispositivi elettronici interattivi (in particolare
smartphone e tablet) è un fenomeno recente ma in crescente espansione. In Italia le
ricerche si sono concentrate finora sui bambini in età scolare e sugli adolescenti,
mentre sono pochi gli studi sui prescolari. Nel nostro studio 473 genitori di
bambini di 5-6 anni hanno compilato un questionario che indagava caratteristiche
sociodemografiche e familiari, problematiche del bambino, tipologia dei dispositivi

Relationship between accuracy and speed in the Raven’s coloured progressive matrices test: Normative data for Italian children aged 5-6 years

The Raven’s Coloured Matrices (CPM) is one of the most used tests for assessing fluid intelligence in children. Although the speed factor is considered important for the measurement of this construct, normative data for speed are not available for the CPM test, and the speed contribution on the test performance is not known in the literature. To help fill these gaps, we provide the CPM Accuracy and Speed norms, and data on the relationship between the two measures, concerning a sample of 468 Italian children aged 5-6 years.

Exploring pragmatic and linguistic development trends in early preschool children

Purpose: It is proposed that pragmatic skills play an important role during the language development, in particular in social interactions with conversational partners. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between pragmatic and linguistic skills in a longitudinal perspective, assuming that social-conversational abilities at early stages are associated with the child’s linguistic development.

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