public space

Dal 1879 ad oggi, storia di un teatro

La dismissione dello storico teatro Turreno di Perugia è la causa prima della stesura di questo libro in cui, oltre che un dettagliato rilievo del manufatto e un’accurata ricerca d’archivio sul processo trasformativo del Teatro dal 1879 ad oggi, sono contenute anche cinque proposte progettuali per il riuso e la valorizzazione di un’opera della memoria cittadina.

A critical overview on the outcomes of mending of the suburbs. Case studies and experiments G124

The G124 project, the working group created by Renzo Piano, the senator of the Italian Republic, had as its objective the recovery of abandoned areas of the suburbs through small mending interventions that could trigger regeneration through new jobs, micro enterprises and start up, light construction sites and widespread, thus creating new jobs.The G124 was based on the great urban challenge of the coming decades: the fertilization of the areas that the Anglo-Saxons called brownfields, areas rich in humanity and energy, inhabited by young people full of hopes and desire to change.

Il futuro dello spazio pubblico. Nuove professioni per nuove esigenze sociali

Quali sono oggi, in tempo di crisi economica e sociale, le prospettive delle professioni dello spazio pubblico? Di quali caratteristiche si devono dotare per interpretare i nuovi bisogni materiali e immateriali del presente? Partendo da questi interrogativi, il volume evidenzia una situazione paradossale: quanto maggiore è il bisogno di figure qualificate capaci di assicurare partecipazione alla sfera pubblica ed inclusione sociale in una epoca caratterizzata dalla crisi del welfare state e dalla de-regolamentazione del lavoro, tanto minore è il loro riconoscimento professionale.

For Love of the World: Hannah Arendt's political Legacy in an Age of Populismi

What can we still learn from Hannah Arendt’s political categories and reflections on the public realm in an era that sees the growing spread of populisms? The large critical literature on Arendt’s work has been spreading over the years a sort of standardized vision, according to which Arendt was a nostalgic and anti-modern thinker, whose aim was to rehabilitate the greek polis model against the modern decline of the public sphere, so that very few of her conceptual categories are still useful to understand contemporary phenomena.

For love of the world. Hannah Arendt's political legacy in an age of populism

What can we still learn from Hannah Arendt’s political categories and reflections on the public realm in an era that sees the growing spread of populisms? Among the large number of current debates, in the age of populist simplification and of the so-called “post-truth”, Arendt's relationship between truth, lying and politics seems to assume particular relevance.


This book intends to give a contribution to an urgent issue, that concerns the presence of the past in the actual contemporary China, involved in a rapid development that risks to erase the traces of its millenary urban history. The town of Anhai, in Quanzhou city metropolitan area, presents a wide and various urban heritage, typical of Fujian: extensive fabric of traditional, red brick courtyard houses goes together with the presence of some important monuments, among which the ancient Anping bridge is the most relevant.

Transformation vs Permanence. An International Design Workshop along the Aurelian walls

The experience recounted in this text is that of an international design Workshop held in the autumn of 2015 between Rome and Nanjing, and that involved instructors, PhD candidates, and students from three different faculties: Sapienza University of Rome, Southeast University in Nanjing, Tianjin University in Tianjing.

Walking on the Ruins. The arrangement of the excavations in the square of the Feltre Cathedral

Carlo Scarpa throughout his career, has constantly worked with the historical heritage of architecture and archaeology. This is the case of the project for the arrangement of the archaeological excavations in the square of the Feltre Cathedral. In the early seventies the excavations, carried out in the space of the sagrato of the Cathedral, bring to light a very complex archaeological stratification in which the traces of a Roman road emerge, among others, some spaces paved in opus sectile and a circular baptistery of the 5th-6th century AD.

Oltre la riva

Può al centro della corrente di un grande fiume europeo e di fronte ad
una città capitale sopravvivere in completo isolamento una oasi naturalistica integrale alla pressione antropica esercitata stagionalmente
da una popolazione che cerca aria e sfogo fuori dall’asfalto e dai blocchi edilizi che la contengono?
E’ possibile per l’architettura, operando tra temporaneità e permanenza, tra mobilità e staticità, tra stabilità e resilienza fornire un contributo in termini di idee concrete alla composizione di un conflitto così

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