public space

Streetscape for healthy life

The road as a meeting place for public life seemed to have ended in oblivion. The urban culture had decreed its death, first with the apodictic proclamations of Le Corbusier, who in fact only thought to separate the pedestrian and vehicular flows and to create roads inside buildings and buildings in the form of streets. Then, in the cybernetic age and in the era of the celebration of "non-places", contemporary life seemed destined to remain confined in virtual squares animated by social networks or in the shopping centers.

Tracce di lucciole. Sex work and the removal of perturbing bodies from the public space

Rome, home of the Vatican, counts on a wide presence of street sex workers, self-organized
in a complex and deep-rooted archipelago. My research focused on the articulation of the spaces of sex work,
investigating their changes in relation to urban policies and the transformations of the city environment.
Italy do not consider prostitution itself to be a crime while criminalising anyone taking advantage of it. At the
same time, via spatial government (decrees, orders, and patrols) it thinks up escamotages to contain and control its

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