
Approaches to the acquisition and use of animal materials

Bison, red deer, horse, ibex, chamois and other large and small ungulates are the classic prey animals exploited by Neanderthals. The study of several sites has shown that Neanderthal hunting was not always restricted to this category of animals. Very large ungulates were also sometimes exploited. Cutmarks have been found on megaloceros bones in assemblages XII and XVIIc at Bolomor in Spain (Blasco, Fernández Peris, 2012) and a piece from Moula demonstrates the use of the bones of this animal for utilitarian purposes (Valensi et al., 2012).

The use-wear studies on the lithic industries

With the exception of Les Pradelles, the lithic industries from the sites included in the research project were the subject of use-wear analyses. For Les Pradelles, functional data was nonetheless available concerning the material from the older excavations (Beyries, 1987a, 1988a). The sampling methods, the composition of the samples, and the number of pieces analyzed varied according to the sites and the use-wear analysts, due to different issues encountered.

The points reference collection

Middle Palaeolithic studies are punctuated with academic debates and reflections on how to understand the behavioural similarities between Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens. Many Anglo-Saxon researchers have argued that organized hunting could only be carried out by Anatomically Modern Humans (Rendu, 2007). Indeed, despite a growing number of archaeological data speaking in favour of controlled hunting, some authors are still believing that Neanderthals were mostly scavengers (Binford, 1985; Dibble, Mellars, 1992; Stringer, Gamble, 1994).

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