The use-wear studies on the lithic industries
With the exception of Les Pradelles, the lithic industries from the sites included in the research project were the subject of use-wear analyses. For Les Pradelles, functional data was nonetheless available concerning the material from the older excavations (Beyries, 1987a, 1988a). The sampling methods, the composition of the samples, and the number of pieces analyzed varied according to the sites and the use-wear analysts, due to different issues encountered. A global analysis was favoured whenever the archaeological levels were well identified (Mauran, Saint-Césaire, Les Fieux, Chez-Pinaud, Bayonne le Prissé PM1) or whenever an interdisciplinary approach was possible (Grotte du Noisetier). Despite significant stratigraphic issues, other assemblages included specific tool types, whose analysis could allow their eventual specific function to be identified (Abri Olha, El Castillo, Payre). Finally, the sampling of certain assemblages was guided by the time allocated to the use-wear analysis or by issues specific to a certain tool type (La Conne de Bergerac, La Graulet, Combe Brune 2, Gatzarria, Bayonne le Prissé PM2). For Fonseigner, only the flint tools benefited from a global analysis. It is clear that the analysis of the quartz and quartzite remains from this assemblage could contribute important additional information to our understanding of the technical methods used by the occupants of this site in the processing of plant and animal resources.