
Parallel semantic reading of multiple words during the life-span

Parallel semantic reading of multiple words during the life-span

Quando leggiamo un testo, i nostri occhi si muovono da sinistra a destra e si fermano su certe parole. Quando l’occhio si fissa su una parola la sua visione e identificazione è massima perché la parola viene proiettata sulla fovea, una piccola regione della retina dove si vede molto nitidamente. Ma mentre fissiamo la nostra attenzione e il nostro sguardo riescono a captare qualcosa che si trova a destra.

Parallel semantic reading of multiple words during the life-span

Parallel semantic reading of multiple words during the life-span

Quando leggiamo un testo, i nostri occhi si muovono da sinistra a destra e si fermano su certe parole. Quando l’occhio si fissa su una parola la sua visione e identificazione è massima perché la parola viene proiettata sulla fovea, una piccola regione della retina dove si vede molto nitidamente. Ma mentre fissiamo la nostra attenzione e il nostro sguardo riescono a captare qualcosa che si trova a destra.

Parallel semantic reading of multiple words during the life-span

Parallel semantic reading of multiple words during the life-span

Quando leggiamo un testo, i nostri occhi si muovono da sinistra a destra e si fermano su certe parole. Quando l’occhio si fissa su una parola la sua visione e identificazione è massima perché la parola viene proiettata sulla fovea, una piccola regione della retina dove si vede molto nitidamente. Ma mentre fissiamo la nostra attenzione e il nostro sguardo riescono a captare qualcosa che si trova a destra.

Parallel semantic reading of multiple words during the life-span

Parallel semantic reading of multiple words during the life-span

Quando leggiamo un testo, i nostri occhi si muovono da sinistra a destra e si fermano su certe parole. Quando l’occhio si fissa su una parola la sua visione e identificazione è massima perché la parola viene proiettata sulla fovea, una piccola regione della retina dove si vede molto nitidamente. Ma mentre fissiamo la nostra attenzione e il nostro sguardo riescono a captare qualcosa che si trova a destra.

A crítica da tradução literária: dois modelos para o tradutor de Guimarães Rosa e Graciliano Ramos.

This study revisits the concept of translation critique developed in previous articles (Sa
lomão, 2005, 2012 ; 2019) in relation, chiefly, to Benjamin (1923), Reiss (2000), Toury (2012), Apel
(1985), Berman (1995), Torop (1995) and Gentzler (2017)), and based on translations of Vidas Secas (1938 ;
Terra brucciata, 1961 ; Siccità, 1963 ; Vite secche, 1993), by Graciliano Ramos, and Grande sertão : veredas
(1956 ; Grande sertão, 1970), by Guimarães Rosa, produced by Edoardo Bizzarri. Given the virtual

Writing with imagination: the influence of hot and cold executive functions in children with autism characteristics and typically developing peers

The current study investigated the extent cognitive and emotion regulation deficits (i.e., executive functions) associated with autism impact on the development of imagination in writing. Sixty-one children participated in the study (M age = 9 years 7 months, SD = 14 months, 18 female, 43 male), comprising a selected group with autism characteristics (N = 26, M age = 9 years 5 months, SD = 17 months, 4 female, 22 male) and an age-matched group of typically developing children (N = 35, M age = 9 years 8 months, SD = 12 months, 14 female, 21 male).

Reading skills in children with mild to borderline intellectual disability: a cross-sectional study on second to eighth graders

Background: Students with intellectual disabilities (IDs) have various learning difficulties and are at risk for school failure. Large inter-individual differences are described for reading, but it is unclear how these vary as a function of grade. The aim of this study was to examine various reading fluency, accuracy and comprehension parameters in second-to-eighth-grade Italian children with either borderline intellectual functioning (BIF) or mild ID (MID). Methods: We examined 106 children with BIF (67 M and 39 F) and 168 children with MID (107 M and 61 F).

Testing the Specificity of Predictors of Reading, Spelling and Maths: A New Model of the Association Among Learning Skills Based on Competence, Performance and Acquisition

In a previous study (Zoccolotti et al., 2020) we examined reading, spelling, and maths skills in an unselected group of 129 Italian children attending fifth grade by testing various cognitive predictors; results showed a high degree of predictors’ selectivity for each of these three behaviors. In the present study, we focused on the specificity of the predictors by performing cross-analyses on the same dataset; i.e., we predicted spelling and maths skills based on reading predictors, reading based on maths predictors and so on.

Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Degradation of inferential reading comprehension as a function of speed

There is increasing interest in the readability of text presented on small digital screens. Designers have come up with novel text presentation methods, such as moving text from right to left, line-stepping, or showing successive text segments such as phrases or single words in a RSVP format. Comparative studies have indicated that RSVP is perhaps the best method of presenting text in a limited space. We tested the method using 209 participants divided into six groups. The groups included traditional reading, and RSVP reading at rates of 250, 300, 350, 400, and 450 wpm.

Ocular-based automatic summarization of documents: is re-reading informative about the importance of a sentence?

Automatic document summarization (ADS) has been introduced as a viable solution for reducing the time and the effort needed to read the ever-increasing textual content that is disseminated. However, a successful universal ADS algorithm has not yet been developed. Also, despite progress in the field, many ADS techniques do not take into account the needs of different readers, providing a summary without internal consistency and the consequent need to re-read the original document.

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