A crítica da tradução literária: dois modelos para o tradutor de Guimarães Rosa e Graciliano Ramos.
This study revisits the concept of translation critique developed in previous articles (Sa
lomão, 2005, 2012 ; 2019) in relation, chiefly, to Benjamin (1923), Reiss (2000), Toury (2012), Apel
(1985), Berman (1995), Torop (1995) and Gentzler (2017)), and based on translations of Vidas Secas (1938 ;
Terra brucciata, 1961 ; Siccità, 1963 ; Vite secche, 1993), by Graciliano Ramos, and Grande sertão : veredas
(1956 ; Grande sertão, 1970), by Guimarães Rosa, produced by Edoardo Bizzarri. Given the virtual
non-existence of studies in this area, the concepts under examination – reading, model, adaptation,
linguistic recreation and transference, – are viewed in relation to historical-cultural, linguistic and
literary aspects specific to the context under analysis and the focus is on literary translation from
Portuguese to Italian.