Real-time monitoring

On-chip real-time monitoring of multiple displacement amplification of DNA

The integration of systems for real-time monitoring of DNA amplification reactions is rather limited, because the heating system, the temperature control and the detection system are usually realized with separate modules. In this work, a lab-on-a-chip system for real-time monitoring of the multiple displacement amplification reaction (MDA) is presented. The amplification and detection unit consists of a system-on-glass (SoG) coupled to a microfluidic chip.

Innovative imaging tools and devices for clinical monitoring within the EMERALD network

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network EMERALD is a recently started project aimed at progressing the state of the art of microwave imaging devices for medical applications. In this framework, the goal of the project tasks based at CNR-IREA is twofold. First, ad-hoc imaging algorithms tailored to the prototype devices for clinical follow-up and image-guided treatment designed and realized within the network will be developed. Second, a microwave imaging device for monitoring and guiding microwave ablation treatments will be designed, realized and tested.

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