remote sensing

Unmanned aerial systems (UASs) for environmental monitoring. A review with applications in coastal habitats

Nowadays the proliferation of small unmanned aerial systems or vehicles (UAS/
Vs), formerly known as drones, coupled with an increasing interest in tools for environmental
monitoring, have led to an exponential use of these unmanned aerial
platforms for many applications in the most diverse fields of science. In particular,
ecologists require data collected at appropriate spatial and temporal resolutions to
describe ecological processes. For these reasons, we are witnessing the proliferation of

Development of a new GIS-based method to detect high natural value farmlands. A case study in central Italy

An original method for the identification of High Natural Value farmlands is presented. Gathering information about land use (CORINE Land Cover), geomorphology (elevation and Terrain Ruggedness Index) and remote sensing data in a GIS environment we were able to develop a new detection process; its application to a wide sector of central Italy, in areas characterized by high biodiversity and relevant agronomic and cultural value, is presented. Thus, a new tool for diminishing sampling efforts and economic and time wastes in territorial studies is provided.

Applying habitat and population-density models to land-cover time series to inform IUCN Red List assessments

The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List categories and criteria are the most widely used framework for assessing the relative extinction risk of species. The criteria are based on quantitative thresholds relating to the size, trends, and structure of species’ distributions and populations. However, data on these parameters are sparse and uncertain for many species and unavailable for others, potentially leading to their misclassification or classification as data deficient.

Analysis of cygnss data for soil moisture retrieval

Data from the CYGNSS mission, originally conceived to monitor tropical cyclones, are being investigated here for land applications as well. In this paper, a methodology for soil moisture (SM) retrieval from CYGNSS data is presented. The approach derives Level 3 gridded daily SM estimations, over the latitudinal band covered by CYGNSS, at a resolution of 36 km × 36 km, using the CYGNSS reflectivity over land, coupled with ancillary vegetation and roughness information from the SMAP mission.

A UAV-based thermal-imaging approach for the monitoring of urban landfills

The monitoring of waste disposal sites is important in order to minimize leakages of biogas, produced by anaerobic digestion and potentially explosive and detrimental to the environment. In this research, UAV-based thermal imaging has been proposed as a diagnostic tool to monitor urban landfills. Since the anaerobic decomposition produces heat along with biogas, thermal anomalies recorded over the soil are likely to be associated with local biogas escaping from the landfill terrain and leaving a local thermal print.

First-order SSA modeling of the anisotropic rough-soil bistatic scattering

In this contribution, we analyze the bistatic scattering generated by agricultural soils, which can be characterized by a strong anisotropic component of the rough surface profile. A novel spectral representation is proposed in conjunction with a numerical solution of the scattering based on the well-known small-slope approximation. Comparisons are given with different modeling. The investigation provides interesting and novel information on the phenomenology of the bistatic scattering from the anisotropic soil.

Bistatic radar systems at large baselines for ocean observation

The capabilities of bistatic radar observations to estimate the wind field over the ocean are investigated in this paper. The work is based on the analysis of simulated data obtained through a well-established electromagnetic model, which accounts for the anisotropy of the ocean's spectrum and of second-order effects of the scattering phenomenon. Both co-polarized and cross-polarized C-band numerical data, obtained considering monostatic and bistatic configurations, are exploited to investigate on the existence of optimal configurations able to minimize the wind vector error estimation.

Monostatic and bistatic scattering modeling of the anisotropic rough soil

The electromagnetic scattering generated by agricultural tilled soils can be affected by a strong anisotropic component of the rough-surface profile. An accurate and reliable modeling of the normalized radar cross section, under both monostatic and bistatic geometries, is particularly important and desirable, especially for the correct estimation of the soil moisture content by means of satellite-based observations.

Design of a polarization-diverse planar leaky-wave antenna for broadside radiation

The design of a K-band radial leaky-wave antenna is presented for polarization diversity applications. The antenna structure is constituted by an annular, radially periodic, and metallic strip grating printed on top of a single-layer grounded dielectric slab. The integrated feeding system is defined by a 2 × 2 array of planar slot sources for cylindrical surface-wave excitation.

Bistatic coherent scattering from rough soils with application to GNSS reflectometry

We present and discuss an electromagnetic model for the description of the coherent scattering from bare soils illuminated by a radar system under arbitrary bistatic geometries. The scattering problem is solved under the Kirchhoff approximation (KA) accounting for both the sphericity of the wavefront of the incident wave and the radiation pattern of the transmitting and receiving antennas. We propose here a general formulation and solution of the scattering problem applicable to an arbitrary bistatic geometry.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma