renewable energy

Nearshore wave energy converters comparison and Mediterranean small island grid integration

The aim of the paper is to preliminary analyse the performance of several nearshore Wave Energy Converters (WEC) sited in the west coast of Sicily close to the Favignana island's shorelines. In particular, the four WEC technologies that have been considered are Wave Star, Oyster, Wave Dragon and Archimedes Wave Swing. The power performance assessment has been developed through the comparison of various scaled versions of the WEC using a proved scaling process based on the Froude similitude.

Analysing economic and environmental sustainability related to the use of battery and hydrogen energy storages for increasing the energy independence of small islands

Energy costs, carbon dioxide emissions, security of supply and system stability are common challenges in small islands. Many European islands have become pilot sites of energy innovation, but this green transition goes slowly in other ones usually not connected to the national grid.

Renewable Energies Generation and Carbon Dioxide Emission Forecasting in Microgrids and National Grids using GRNN-GWO Methodology

Reducing CO2 emissions is a key goal of the strategy for a low-carbon economy and for the choice of greenhouse gas emission mitigation path. An effective forecasting method can represent a useful tool for managing renewable energies in microgrids and mitigating carbon dioxide emission. In this study is evaluated the trend of CO2 emission in Iran, Canada and Italy and compared the CO2 emission from consumption of energy sources: Coal - Natural Gas - Petroleum and other refined hydrocarbons - Renewable Energies.

Mid-term load power forecasting considering environment emission using a hybrid intelligent approach

The forecasting of electricity load is considered as an essential instrument, especially in countries with a restructured electricity market. The mid-term prediction is performed for the period within 1 month to 1 or 2 years and it is important for mid-term planning, including planning of repairs and economic exploitation of power systems, which are related to the reliability of the system directly. The forecast horizon in this paper is monthly and on a daily basis (peak load).

Composite Indicators for Smart Campus: Data Analysis Method

Il concetto di Smart Campus ha iniziato a svilupparsi negli ultimi anni come possibile adattamento del modello di città intelligente ai campus universitari. La trasformazione di un campus standard in uno Smart Campus richiede lo sviluppo di un quadro di valutazione che consenta di valutare lo stato dell'arte mediante indicatori compositi. Applicando una nuova metodologia, lo scopo di questo progetto è definire un insieme globale di indicatori.

Restoration of an active MV distribution grid with a battery ESS: A real case study

In order to improve power system operation, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESSs) have been installed in high voltage/medium voltage stations by Distribution System Operators (DSOs) around the world. Support for restoration of MV distribution networks after a blackout or HV interruption is among the possible new functionalities of BESSs. With the aim to improve quality of service, the present paper investigates whether a BESS, installed in the HV/MV substation, can improve the restoration process indicators of a distribution grid.

Nearshore wave energy assessment of Iranian coastlines

In this study, the measured wave data for year 2010 at 3 hour time step for six sites in the Caspian sea, Persian Gulf and Oman Sea of Iran have been statistically analysed to determine the wave power potential of Iranian coastlines. The statistical attitudes allows to estimate the significant weight height (Hs), peak wave energy period (Tp), and the wave energy flux for unit of crest length.

An equivalent circuit for the evaluation of cross-country fault currents in medium voltage (MV) distribution networks

A Cross-Country Fault (CCF) is the simultaneous occurrence of a couple of Line-to-Ground Faults (LGFs), affecting different phases of same feeder or of two distinct ones, at different fault locations. CCFs are not uncommon in medium voltage (MV) public distribution networks operated with ungrounded or high-impedance neutral: despite the relatively small value of LGF current that is typical of such networks, CCF currents can be comparable to those that are found in Phase-To-Phase Faults, if the affected feeder(s) consists of cables.

A One-Body, Laminated-Rotor Flywheel Switched Reluctance Machine for Energy Storage: Design Trade-Offs

A critical aspect of distributed generation systems focuses on the installation of Electrical Energy Storage Systems in customer-side facilities. In this scenario, flywheel technology is challenged to provide high levels of safety, compactness and competitive cost. This work presents a novel, one-body flywheel scheme based on a switched reluctance machine, whose laminated rotor fulfils both the motor/generator and energy storage functions. The one-body architecture enhances compactness and robustness, whereas the laminated rotor ensures high safety.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma