renewable energy

Artichoke waste as a source of phenolic antioxidants and bioenergy

The thermal properties of artichoke waste, a relatively rich source of phenolic antioxidants, were investigated before and after phenolic recovery in order to assess its suitability as a source of bioproducts and bioenergy. The two main fractions of the waste, the bracts and the stems, were submitted to solvent extraction with aqueous ethanol (0, 50, 100% v/v) and the resulting extracts were assayed for total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activity. The polyphenol content of stems was 51.10 ± 0.74 mg GAE/g and that of bracts was 24.58 ± 0.57 mg GAE/g.

Critical review of the effects of glyphosate exposure to the environment and humans through the food supply chain

Glyphosate is a synthesis product and chemical substance that entered in the global market during the 70s. In the beginning, the molecule was used as an active principle in a wide range of herbicides, with great success. This was mainly due to its systemic and non-selective action against vegetable organisms and also to the spread of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) crops, which over the years were specifically created with a resistance to glyphosate. To date, the product is, for these reasons, the most sprayed and most used herbicide in the world.

Assessment of energy and emissions saving solutions in urban rail-based transport systems

Global warming and climate change are indisputable theories. Since the Industrial
Revolution, the mean temperature of the planet has increased by 1°C. Now, temperatures
are approaching a higher stage of +1.5°C and the attention is on both CO2 emissions and
energy consumption. Transportation is a major component of the environmental impact,
accounting for approximately 30% of air pollution and energy consumption. Due to the
rapid urbanization in the EU, with an estimated 74.3% of the population living in cities,

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