risk evaluation

Occupational exposure to solar UV radiation of a group of fishermen working in the Italian north adriatic sea

Occupational solar radiation exposure is a relevant heath risk in the fishing sector. Our aim was to provide a detailed evaluation of individual UV exposure in three different fishing activities in Italy, with personal UV dosimeters and a simple formula to calculate the fraction of ambient erythemal UV dose received by the workers. The potential individual UV exposure of the fishermen was between 65 and 542 Joules/m2. The percentages of the ambient exposure were estimated between 2.5% and 65.3%.

Project Rule-Checking for Enhancing Workers Safety in Preserving Heritage Building

Historical building refurbishments as a whole and rich environment can be affected by many variations, due to non-calculated risks and hidden problems during construction, so that the original projects are distorted. These risks involve many problems: time lengthening, cost increase and, when conditions are unfavourable, the possible exposure of workers to the probability of having accidents.

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