
Individual-level and culture-level self-esteem: a test of construct isomorphism

Several empirical studies have used the Rosenberg General Self-Esteem Scale (RGSE) to address issues of cross-cultural differences in mean level of self-esteem. The majority of these studies have mostly focused on the comparison of individual-level factor structures, leaving unanswered the issue regarding the equivalence of the factor structure of the RGSE across the individual and the culture-level, a condition called factor isomorphism. This is a particularly worrisome issue, given the large interest in cross-cultural variations of self-esteem levels.

State-Trait decomposition of name letter test scores and relationships with global self-esteem

The Name Letter Test (NLT) assesses the degree that participants show a preference for an individual's own initials. The NLT was often thought to measure implicit self-esteem, but recent literature reviews do not equivocally support this hypothesis. Several authors have argued that the NLT is most strongly associated with the state component of self-esteem.

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