
Silvaggi M., Todaro E., Rossi V., Aversa F., Rossi R., NIMBI F.M., Simonelli C. (2018). Sexual education and new technologies: the role of social media. 14th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology

Objective: Social Media (SM) and On-line Communities (OC) are increasingly important in youth’s life and
the massive use of these technologies by new generations gave rise to an international debate regarding the
potential effects on relationships and sexuality.
The aim of this paper is to review advantages and limits of SM and OC as ways to build and care
relationships and obtain formal and informal information on sexuality by youth, and moreover as sexual
education programs delivery tools.

Telephone sexual counselling and current technologies. Are helplines still effective in the social media era?

Summary: Helplines are common counselling services for men and women seeking advice forhealth, psychological and sexual problems. With the advent of the social media era, users havenow more possibilities to search for information about sexual health than before. Comparing therecent data of a long-standing telephone counselling service on sexual health by the Instituteof Clinical Sexology of Rome, we aimed to investigate the range of sexual concerns reported byusers, to describe the differences, if any, between male and female callers, and the changes incontents and usage in the last years.

Are social media a problem or a tool? New strategies for sexual education

Summary: The Social Media and online communities have become important communicationchannels for youth and the massive use of these technologies by new generations gave rise toan international debate regarding the potential effects on relationships and sexuality. The aimof this paper is to study advantages and limits of Social Media, as formal and informal sourceof information on sexuality, focusing on their impact on youth and professionals involved insexual education programs. A review of scientific literature from January 2006 to May 2017was performed.

Les médias sociaux sont-ils un problème ou un outil? Nouvelles stratégies pour l’éducation sexuelle

Résumé Les médias sociaux et les communautés en ligne sont devenus des canaux de commu-nication importants pour les jeunes et l’utilisation massive de ces technologies par les nouvellesgénérations a donné lieu à un débat international concernant leur effet potentiel sur lesrelations et la sexualité. Le but de cet article est d’étudier les avantages et les limites desmédias sociaux, en tant que source d’information formelle et informelle sur la sexualité, enmettant l’accent sur leur impact sur les jeunes et les professionnels impliqués dans les pro-grammes d’éducation sexuelle.

Disturbi del desiderio maschile

Non esiste una definizione univoca di desiderio sessuale in quanto esso rappresenta la più complessa fra le fasi della risposta sessuale. Il desiderio è estremamente soggettivo e determinato da un’interazione di fattori biopsicosociali. Si presenta come estremamente mutevole nel tempo, non solo tra individui diversi, ma anche all’interno della stessa persona, passando da fluttuazioni nella giornata a grandi cambiamenti in fasi specifiche della vita (es., adolescenza, innamoramento, momenti stressanti, ecc.) (Nimbi et al., 2018a).

Il modello biopsicosociale e l’approccio integrato in sessuologia clinica

Con il movimento liberale iniziato negli anni ‘60, la sessualità si è evoluta sotto molti aspetti, favorendo l’emancipazione e il riconoscimento dei diritti delle donne e delle minoranze sessuali. Già nel 1975 la World Health Organization (WHO) definiva la Salute Sessuale come “il risultato dell’integrazione degli aspetti somatici, affettivi, intellettivi e sociali dell’essere sessuato che consentono

Could educational programs in sexology have an influence on attitudes towards same-sex marriage and parenting?

Research on LGBT health services is urgent as well as effective actions. Some studiesinvestigating the attitudes of mental Health Care Professionals (HCPs), social workers, medi-cal trainees and professionals, students, and resident assistants towards Lesbian and Gay (LG)people showed a significant negative role of sexism affecting attitudes towards LGBT people,marriage and parenting. This study aimed to investigate the influence of Educational Programsin Sexology (EPS) on sexism, homophobia, and attitudes towards same-sex marriage and parent-ing.

Eiaculazione ritardata e altri disturbi dell’orgasmo

L’orgasmo è uno stato psicofisico che porta l’individuo ad esperire il massimo grado di piacere erotico-sessuale. Rappresenta una condizione estremamente soggettiva, che può variare di volta in volta e che si connota di peculiarità corporee, psicologiche, emotive, relazionali e socioculturali (Perelman e Watter, 2013). All’interno del ciclo della risposta sessuale maschile, solitamente l’orgasmo (sensazione di grande piacere) è associato all’eiaculazione (emissione del liquido seminale).

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