Are social media a problem or a tool? New strategies for sexual education

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Todaro E., Silvaggi M., Aversa F., Rossi V., Nimbi F. M., Rossi R., Simonelli C.
ISSN: 1158-1360

Summary: The Social Media and online communities have become important communicationchannels for youth and the massive use of these technologies by new generations gave rise toan international debate regarding the potential effects on relationships and sexuality. The aimof this paper is to study advantages and limits of Social Media, as formal and informal sourceof information on sexuality, focusing on their impact on youth and professionals involved insexual education programs. A review of scientific literature from January 2006 to May 2017was performed. Despite adolescents are very interested about sexual health, the lack of clearand scientific-based online sex education information may lead to the spread of confusion andanxiety on sexuality. For this reason and because of Social Media growing diffusion, healthorganizations recommend the use of technology by Health Care Professionals, even if datashows their attitude to use it in private, but not in a professional context. Most of the onlinesexual education interventions are focused on adolescents’ risk behavior prevention instead ofsexual well-being promotion. Considering the usefulness of Social Media in sexual education, atechnological tool planned by the Institute of Clinical Sexology, Rome to be used during sexualeducation sessions is presented. A critical approach development should be provided in thefuture in order to promote a safer use of Social Media in sexual education interventions, whereemotions and feelings, and not only the increase of information, are deepened by young peopletogether with professionals.

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