
The Body I Live in. Perceptions and Meanings of Body Dissatisfaction in Young Transgender Adults: A Qualitative Study

Body dissatisfaction in individuals with Gender Incongruence (GI) represents a primary source of su↵ering. Several studies have highlighted how this su↵ering has psychological, physical, and biological implications. This work aims to explore experiences related to body dissatisfaction and investigate the issues associated with living in a body perceived as incongruent for individuals with GI. Thirty-six individuals, aged between 18 and 30 years old and at stage T0 of hormone treatment, participated in the study.

Testing a conceptual model for men's sexual desire referring to automatic thoughts, emotions, sexual function, and sexism

Introduction: Literature lacks biopsychosocial models of men's sexuality. Regarding sexual desire, Carvalho and Nobre (J Sex Med 2011;8:754-763.) presented a cognitive-affective model including age, medical factors, dyadic adjustment, psychopathology, restrictive attitudes toward sexual activity, erection concerns, lack of erotic thoughts (LET), sadness, and shame as predictors. In particular, automatic thoughts were highlighted as the main predictors of sexual desire in men.

638 May social media be a tool in promoting sexual health? Youth’s use, professional’s attitudes and current sexual education programs

Objectives: Social Media (SM) and on-line communities have
become important communication channels for young people.
The massive use of these technologies by new generations gave
rise to an international debate regarding the potential effects on
relationships and sexuality. This review aims at: highlighting
advantages and limits of SM as sexual education tool and their
impact on youth development; analyzing the attitudes of professionals
involved in sexual education programs toward SM and

Iervolino M.L., NIMBI F.M., Silvaggi M., Tripodi F., Botta D., Simonelli C. (2018). Sexuality and emotions: a study on the Italian BDSM population. 14th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology

Objective: In the vast and complex field of sexuality, this research will take into account a population usually
considered ‘underground’: people who participate in BDSM activities. In the mainstream imaginary this
population is often considered to be closer to the psychopathological area and risky behaviors.
Design and Method: This research compares the results of a protocol assessing constructs such as
impulse control (SES/SIS), alexithymia (TAS-20) and empathy (TEQ) between the BDSM (with a sample of

Rossi V., Tripodi F., NIMBI F.M., Simonelli C., Porpora M.G. (2018). Psychological functioning of vulvodynia and endometriosis patients: a comparative study. 14th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology

Objective: The DSM 5 category “Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration disorder” (GPPPD) collects clinical
conditions characterized by different psychological profiles. Vulvodynia and endometriosis are diseases
related to genital sexual pain whose etiologies is still unclear. The objective of the present study was to
investigate the differences between vulvodynia and endometriosis patients in terms of psychological
Design and Method: 32 women with genito-pelvic pain, 16 with vulvodynia (VG, mean age 31.75±6.92) and

Rossi V., Tripodi F., NIMBI F.M., Simonelli C. (2018). Genital sexual pain in reproductive-age women: an explorative study. 14th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology

Objective: Genital Sexual Pain (GSP) is a common symptom in reproductive-age women. Although this
complaint could negatively affect the quality of sex life, there is still a lack of awareness about it in the female
population. The objective of the present study was to explore the presence of GSP in reproductive-age
women, the characteristics of pain (duration, location, etiology), the way women deal with the symptom, and
their sexual functioning.
Design and Method: 653 women (mean age 25.7±4.37) were recruited with snowball method. Participants

Youth sexual health in Europe: first results from the European Federation of Sexology Youth Committee study

Objective:Acceptance of sexual health as fundamental human right hasallowed for creation of new health programs and policies. As they mature andbecome sexually active, young people might face serious health risks withinsufficient information and too little access to health care services.

Endometriosi e sessualità: aspetti psicologici ed emotivi associati alla sessualità

Riassunto: L’endometriosi è una patologia ginecologica cronica spesso associata ad una forte compromissione della vita sessuale, prevalentemente caratterizzata dall’esperienza di dolore genito-pelvico durante i rapporti. L’obiettivo del presente studio è di esplorare l’area psico-affettiva e sessuale in un gruppo di donne con endometriosi confrontandole con un gruppo di donne sane. L’ipotesi è che le prime riportino punteggi peggiori in tutte le aree prese in esame (funzione sessuale, alessitimia, emozioni esperite nella sessualità e sintomatologia psicologica).

Giovani e modelli sessuali performativi

L’articolo si situa in un ambito di riflessione sociologica rispetto al quale, in Italia, latitano i contributi empirici: quello della sessualità giovanile. In esso viene dato conto dei risultati di una ricerca condotta su un campione di oltre 2000 soggetti di età compresa tra i 15 e i 35 anni. Si tratta di un’indagine pilota attraverso cui si cerca di spiegare l’incidenza della forte diffusione di contenuti sessuali dai media (e dalla pornografia in particolare) sui comportamenti sessuali.

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