Social Psychology

State of the art of social representations theory in Asia. An empirical meta-theoretical analysis

Part of a larger research project aimed at performing the meta-theoretical analysis of theworldwide literature published on social representations theory (SRT), this article exploresthe state of art of the theory in the geocultural context of Asia, spatially and temporally, as wellas from a conceptual, disciplinary, theoretical, empirical and thematic point of view. The Gridfor MetaTheoretical Analysis was used on 194 sources, extracted from the So.Re.Com“A.S. deRosa”@-library.

What makes you a ‘hero’ for nature? Socio-psychological profiling of leaders committed to nature and biodiversity protection across seven EU countries

Biodiversity loss is a widely debated world problem, with huge economic, social, and environmentally negative consequences. Despite the relevance of this issue, the psychological determinants of committed action towards nature and biodiversity have rarely been investigated. This study aims at identifying a comprehensive social-psychological profile of activists committed to biodiversity protection and at understanding what determinants best predict their activism.

Turismo intergenerazionale per una nuova managerialità e sostenibilità

Intergenerational tourism is an innovative type of tourism, studied and experimented by researchers and professors belonging to the Interdisciplinary Scientific Committee “Tourism Psychology”.
The Scientific Committee was established in 1984 and became an Association of Interdisciplinary Research in Tourism Psychology (A.R.I.P.T.) in 1999, today A.R.I.P.T. Fo.R.P. (since 2012) thanks to the extension of its objectives to training and planning.

How do newcomers and full member employees conceive organizational socialization? Measurement invariance and construct validity of the newcomer socialization questionnaire in italy

The Newcomer Socialization Questionnaire (NSQ; Hauter, Hoff Macan, & Winter, 2003) is an interesting multi-level (organization, group, task) measure of the organizational socialization process. The present study is twofold. First, it aimed to extend previous findings on its validity by examining measurement invariance in two groups: newcomers and full member employees. Second, it examined the construct validity of the Italian version of the NSQ.

Corrigendum to “Parents' and early adolescents' self-efficacy about anger regulation and early adolescents' internalizing and externalizing problems: a longitudinal study in three countries” [Journal of Adolescence 64 (2018) 124–135]

The authors regret that the following errors were present in the above-mentioned article. Page 126 2.1. Sample 1st line “Participants were recruited from the longitudinal blinded for review Study (e.g., blinded for review).” Should read: “Participants were recruited from the longitudinal Study entitled Parenting Across Cultures (e.g., Lansford et al., 2014).” Page 127 2.1. Sample 8th line “Over 81% of mothers, 77% of fathers, and 81% of children from the initial sample (see Blinded).

Una conseguenza dell’esaurimento al lavoro: l’inerzia delle emozioni

L’inerzia emotiva si riferisce alla tendenza al cam- biamento delle esperienze emotive ed è general- mente operazionalizzata come l’autocorrelazione di un’emozione. Il presente studio si pone l’obiet- tivo di indagare l’associazione tra inerzia emotiva delle emozioni negative ed esaurimento al lavoro. Il campione è composto da 94 persone che lavora- no a contatto diretto con il pubblico.

When divided attention fails to enhance memory encoding. The attentional boost effect is eliminated in young-old adults

In the Attentional Boost Effect (ABE), images or words presented with to-be-responded target squares are later recognized more accurately than images or words presented with to-be-ignored distractor squares. Surprisingly, previous studies investigating the ABE have always examined young participants: thus, the question of whether this memory facilitation can be also observed in older adults has never been tested.

Age patterns in risk taking across the world

Epidemiological data indicate that risk behaviors are among the leading causes of adolescent morbidity and mortality worldwide. Consistent with this, laboratory-based studies of age differences in risk behavior allude to a peak in adolescence, suggesting that adolescents demonstrate a heightened propensity, or inherent inclination, to take risks. Unlike epidemiological reports, studies of risk taking propensity have been limited to Western samples, leaving questions about the extent to which heightened risk taking propensity is an inherent or culturally constructed aspect of adolescence.

Within- and between-person and group variance in behavior and beliefs in cross-cultural longitudinal data

This study grapples with what it means to be part of a cultural group, from a statistical modeling perspective. The method we present compares within- and between-cultural group variability, in behaviors in families. We demonstrate the method using a cross-cultural study of adolescent development and parenting, involving three biennial waves of longitudinal data from 1296 eight-year-olds and their parents (multiple cultures in nine countries).

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