solar radiation

Protein oxidative damage in UV-related skin cancer and dysplastic lesions contributes to neoplastic promotion and progression

The ultraviolet (UV) component of solar radiation is the major driving force of skin carcinogenesis. Most of studies on UV carcinogenesis actually focus on DNA damage while their proteome-damaging ability and its contribution to skin carcinogenesis have remained largely underexplored.

Developing an algorithm to assess the UV erythemal dose for outdoor workers

An algorithm has been developed to determine the annual dose of UV solar radiation for outdoor workers. The dose is indirectly assessed basing on satellite data, mean global irradiance values, workers' data obtained by means of a questionnaire and corrective coefficients provided by a mathematical model. The values obtained by the use of the algorithm are compared with those obtained by measurement records in different environments. Results demonstrated that the algorithm estimates the mean daily erythemal dose with good approximation.

Occupational exposure to solar UV radiation of a group of fishermen working in the Italian north adriatic sea

Occupational solar radiation exposure is a relevant heath risk in the fishing sector. Our aim was to provide a detailed evaluation of individual UV exposure in three different fishing activities in Italy, with personal UV dosimeters and a simple formula to calculate the fraction of ambient erythemal UV dose received by the workers. The potential individual UV exposure of the fishermen was between 65 and 542 Joules/m2. The percentages of the ambient exposure were estimated between 2.5% and 65.3%.

Influence of the geometrical parameters of urban canyons on the convective heat transfer coefficient

In this study, a microclimate analysis has been carried out starting with a particular urban configuration, "the street canyon". The analysis, conducted by performing numerical simulations using the finite volumes commercial code ANSYS-Fluent studies how the thermal and flow field are affected by the effect of the solar radiation, varying the ratio H/W. Furthermore, a thermo-fluid dynamic analysis of natural convection effects and of 3D characteristics of the flow field on the heat transfer coefficient, has been carried out.

The thermophysical behaviour of cork supports doped with an innovative thermal insulation and protective coating: A numerical analysis based on in situ experimental data

In this work, the thermal potentialities of insulation panels made of cork have been explored by means of a numerical approach based on experimental data. A comparative analysis between the panel in unaltered state, and then covered with an innovative shield coating (COIB 250®) was carried out. In addition, a defect simulating an inner detachment of the panel was fabricated to understand its behaviour during a daily solar thermal load. The site was selected ad hoc to avoid any shadow cast effect on the panel itself and any conduction phenomenon from the surrounding area.

Coronal Mass Ejection early-warning mission by solar-photon sailcraft

A preliminary investigation of the early warning of solar storms caused by Coronal Mass Ejection has been carried out. A long warning time could be obtained with a sailcraft synchronous with the Earth-Moon barycenter, and stationed well below the L1 point. In this paper, the theory of heliocentric synchronous sailcraft is set up, its perturbed orbit is analyzed, and a potential solution capable of providing an annual synchrony is carried out.

Experimental study of solar radiation effects on carbon nanocomposite sensors in simulated space environment

Solar radiation, generally referred to the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Sun, constitutes one of the most critical risks for human exploration in space. Whereas on Earth such radiation is filtered for the shorter and highly hazardous wavelengths by the atmosphere and its ozone layer, in space solar radiation has profound and adverse effects on the structural and electronic components of spacecrafts, as well as on biological systems, if they are not properly shielded.

Seismic and solar performance of historical city. Urban form-based multicriteria analysis

The understanding of the global performance of a historical city is a complex balance
of several specific issues and requires a multi-disciplinary approach to face with actual urban
phenomena and challenges, such as the seismic risk and energy efficiency, that are strongly
influenced by urban form. This paper focuses on the potential of urban metrics and typological
indicators for describing the seismic vulnerability and the solar radiation availability of distinct

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