spectrum analysis

Insights into the phytochemistry of the cuban endemic medicinal plant phyllanthus orbicularis: fideloside, a novel bioactive 8-c-glycosyl 2,3-dihydroflavonol

Phyllanthus orbicularis (Phyllanthaceae) is an endemic evergreen tropical plant of Cuba that grows in the western part of the island and is used in traditional medicine as an infusion. The aqueous extract of this plant presents a wide range of pharmacological activitiessuch as antimutagenic, antioxidant and antiviral effects.

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Echium confusum Coincy

Four pyrrolizidine alkaloids, namely 7-O-angeloyllycopsamine N-oxide 1, echimidine N-oxide 2, echimidine 3 and 7-O-angeloylretronecine 4, were isolated for the first time from the whole plant ethanolic extract of Echium confusum Coincy, through bioassay-guided approach. Their structures were determined by spectroscopic means. All the isolates compounds showed moderate activities in inhibiting AChE, with IC50 0.276–0.769.

Raman spectroscopy discriminates malignant follicular lymphoma from benign follicular hyperplasia and from tumour metastasis

Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive label-free technique providing biochemical tissue fingerprint. The objective of the present work was to test if Raman spectroscopy is a suitable tool to differentiate lymph nodes affected by different conditions, such as reactive follicular hyperplasia (benign), follicular lymphoma (low grade primary tumour), diffuse large B cell lymphoma (high grade primary tumour) and tumour metastasis (secondary tumours). Moreover, we tested its ability to discriminate follicular lymphomas by the tumour grade and the BCL2 protein expression.

Aqueous polythiophene electrosynthesis. A new route to an efficient electrode coupling of PQQ-dependent glucose dehydrogenase for sensing and bioenergetic applications

In this study, polythiophene copolymers have been used as modifier for electrode surfaces in order to allow the immobilization of active pyrroloquinoline quinone dependent glucose dehydrogenase (PQQ-GDH) and to simultaneously improve the direct electrical connection of the enzyme with the electrode. Polymer films are electrosynthesized in aqueous solution without the need of surfactants onto carbon nanotubes modified gold electrodes from mixtures of 3-thiopheneacetic acid (ThCH2CO2H) and 3-methoxythiophene (ThOCH3) using a potentiostatic pulse method.

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