
L'indagine sugli elettori italiani. Il contesto, gli interrogativi di ricerca, l'impianto metodologico

L’indagine sugli elettori, di cui questo volume contiene i principali risultati, si inscrive in un più ampio programma di ricerca, che, nel maggio del 2018, è stato oggetto di una giornata di studio intitolata La società nelle urne. Strategie comunicative, attori e risultati nel segno del cambiamento . Tale programma, che ha l’ambizione di esprimere una prospettiva analitica in cui i livelli macro, meso e micro sono intercon-nessi, individua nelle dimensioni società, partecipazione e comunica-zione gli ambienti generativi della politica, così come essa si esprime nella nostra attualità.

The shape of continuity . A research method

The study of mathematical objects with the philosophical aspiration to true, beauty and right, are the center of the research that from 2016, we are carrying on as the appliance of a method for the project of renewal of buildings and historical sites, starting from the original unit of measurement. The research produced survey-and-design experiments of different nature. The first in Castri di Lecce, a small town in Puglia, culminated with an exhibition and published in a book that extensively illustrates the hypotheses of intervention on this ancient ducal palace.

Improving road safety knowledge in Africa through crowdsourcing. The African Road Safety Observatory

Africa is the worst performing continent in road safety: the fatality rate, 26.6 per 100.000 inhabitants, is almost three times that of Europe's and fatalities per capita are projected to double from 2015 to 2030 (WHO, 2015). This is mainly due to the fact that Emerging Economies are experiencing increases in traffic, for which their traffic systems are not sufficiently prepared. On one hand, there is a significant demand for data and knowledge to be used for road safety-related decision making.

A method to reveal supply chains in order to set up effective and sustainable city logistics solutions

A current key challenge in the field of urban freight transport is creating value and business opportunities through city logistics. This requires an extensive knowledge of the composition of urban economic structure, organization and management of supply chains, and actors’ sensitivity to market signals. Within this context, the paper reports the findings of the LOGeco – LOGistica ecologica project.

3D survey and digital models as the first documentation of hypogeum of S. Saba in Rome

On the Aventine Minor, the oratory of Santa Silvia was home to a community of oriental monks, who, in the first half of the seventeenth century, created a typical Palestinian cemetery with a small monastery that expanded with the growing prestige of the community. The construction of the Basilica of San Saba, above the oratory, was by a group of monks, “the Benedettini di Montecassino,” who lived there in the middle of the tenth century. The substructure was only recovered in the early 1900s.

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