
La Divina Sapienza e la geometria svelata /Divina Sapienza and the Geometry Unveiled

Il contributo si occupa della Chiesa della Divina Sapienza realizzata, per volere di Pio XII, dall’architetto Marcello Piacentini nel 1948 nell’ambito dei lavori di costruzione della Nuova Città Universitaria a Roma. L’ analisi sincronica e diacronica realizzata a partire dai dati di rilievo e dai modelli 2D e 3D da essi sviluppati, ha l’obiettivo di sondare gli aspetti geometrici generativi dell’impianto planimetrico. L’intento è stato quello di individuare l’esatta geometria che sottende alla pianta e di riproporre la stessa rispetto agli alzati.

From worksite tracing drawings to integrated digital models for reconstructing and preserving cultural heritage

The method of incising in stone the working drawing of structural and decorative elements at the real scale (Αναγραϕευζ, Anagrapheus) goes back to ancient times. This technic was applied to conceive, represent and control the execution and the assembly of architectonic elements. In more recent literature on the subject focus of attention has shifted from the purely archaeological point of view to that of architectonic representation. The new approach is based on reading guidelines, geometries, traces of assembly and workmanship, wear surfaces - all employed in constructing architecture.

The Democratization of Processes and the Use of Remotely Guided Acquisition Tools for Survey 2.0

La tecnologia che amplifica la realtà come pure i mezzi tecnologici di acquisizione dei dati, stanno continuando ad avere uno svilup
po difficilmente controllabile o prevedibile. Progetti di un certo interesse, nascono, si sviluppano e muoiono talvolta senza produrre
risultati significativi, ma costituendosi come fasi di un processo fluido e dinamico, sul quale vengono costruite nuove applicazioni
software e sistemi hardware. Allo stesso tempo, il ruolo dell’accademia sembra venire spesso scavalcato da ciò che viene sviluppato

Hybrid knowledge devices for Built Cultural Heritage

The contribution briefly illustrates the HeritageBot project, currently in the prototype phase, which concerns the construction of a drone structure with robotic legs. The system is equipped with high dexterity locomotion mobility and the possibility of small flights. Its platform, structured in modular mode, allows to host various sensors, both commercial and specially developed, in order to intervene in the processes of knowledge and detection of Cultural Heritage, in critical situations and conditions and particularly difficult accessibility.

The Participatory Graphics of Cultural Heritage. New Methods of Analysis, Knowledge and Valorisation

The paper describes a project for the understanding of Cultural Heritage,
through experimental procedures that can provide scientifically measurable
results. The project, called HeGo (HeritageGo), provides for the creation of a
model of social and participatory interaction applied to surveys in archaeological,
architectural and urban contexts. The procedure is structured principally around
the voluntary participation of various “players/users” (tourists, students, ordinary

New Actualities for Mediterranean Ancient Theaters. The ATHENA Project Lesson

Ancient Theatres are one of the most extraordinary legacies that past civilizations have left us. From a cultural standpoint, this is because of the importance that these monuments had in the social life of each past community; from the environmental standpoint, because of the enormous skill that went into controlling the territorial and urban impact of these ‘structures’; and finally, from a ‘technological’ and functional standpoint, because of the excellence of their internal distribution patterns and acoustics, which is hard to equal even today.

Emerging Technologies for Archaeological Heritage. Knowledge, Digital Documentation, and Communication

Today, knowledge of archaeological artifacts at various representation scales is required of any 3D model. The significance of constructing digital models in the domain of archaeology reinforces the theoretical bases of survey and representation, as structured systems for organizing and communicating information, and for critical analysis which optimizes the results obtained from the concerted work of archaeologists, architects, and informatics experts.

Archaeological Heritage. Representation Between Material and Immaterial

Architects have been involved in the task of representing archaeology and archaeological sites for many
years now. Their objective has invariably been to make the reading of the artifact more detailed and
accurate to scholars of archaeology. The advent of informatics brought a significant step forward in the
domain of representation in this field. To recall that representation of archaeology should restore artifacts
of which only fragments of walls remain, often in ruin and with degraded surfaces which often do not

Conservation, Restoration, and Analysis of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage.

Cultural heritage (CH) can be understood as a complexity of activities in a very wide range of disciplines
whose aim is to identify, evaluate, and preserve past achievements for the benefit of next generation in
having memory of the past and inspiration from it for future enhancements and appreciation of current
results. Many are thus the disciplines that concurrently can help in identifying, comprehending, and
transmitting to future generations CH values as well as in stimulating the inspiration of present and future

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