sustainable development

Eco-Distretto | Eco-District

Un eco-distretto è un quartiere impegnato sul piano del perseguimento della sostenibilità con persone responsabilizzate, edifici verdi e infrastrutture intelligenti. Gli eco-distretti sono una strategia globale per accelerare lo sviluppo sostenibile su scala di quartiere integrando progetti di edifici e infrastrutture con azioni comunitarie e individuali. Rappresentano una scala importante per accelerare la sostenibilità: abbastanza piccoli da innovare rapidamente e abbastanza grandi da avere un impatto significativo.

An axiomatic approach to decoupling indicators for green growth

The concept of decoupling was introduced to measure and analyze the controversial trade-off between economic development and environmental sustainability; in particular, several empirical studies concern the construction and use of decoupling indicators. We elaborate on a descriptive comparison by Conte Grand (2016) of the three main ones, respectively D_O by OECD (2002), D_ε by Tapio (2005), and D_t by Lu et al.

Are italian start-ups ‘born sustainable’? A systems approach to sustainability challenges

A number of intricate problems affect the current socio-economic scenarios, which have engaged policy-makers and, above all, entrepreneurs in finding sustainable solutions. Thus, embracing the service system perspective, this work aims at understanding if start-ups have an inner orientation towards sustainability as well as the main element that boost it.

Can environmental agreements represent an opportunity for green jobs? Evidence from two Italian experiences

Until today, following the rise of the so-called “green economy” paradigm, research into green jobs has mainly focused on the relationship between the rise of the green economy and the effects on creation of new opportunities of green employment. This study aims to link new green jobs and new green business models with industrial reconversion through the experiences of environmental rehabilitation in two Italian industrial areas characterized by the implementation of environmental agreements. The two cases

National culture's influence on environmental performance of countries: A study of direct and indirect effects

The effect of national culture on country environmental performance has received attention during the past few years. However, previous studies considered a subset of cultural dimensions, focused on diverse environmental performance measures, provided contrasting results, and did not adequately investigated the mediating effects of socio-economic variables.

Firm environmental performance under scrutiny: The role of strategic and organizational orientations

Reducing firm environmental burden is not easy. Thus, several studies have investigated the antecedents of good firm environmental performance; however, they provide contrasting results, focus on specific categories of antecedents, and often rely on subjective performance measures. This study overcomes these gaps by jointly considering the effects of different firm strategic and organizational orientations on several dimensions of environmental performance, objectively measured.

Al di là dello sviluppo sostenibile. La dilatazione dei confini epistemologici della sociologia per mezzo della peace research

The theme of sustainable development is an extremely interdisciplinary field of research where biological, engineering, political, economic and social studies are reconnected in a future-oriented cognitive proposal. The aim of this intellectual effort is to give proper attention to the link between peace economics and sustainable development.

Why sustainability matters. Some sociological observations drawn from the findings of Peace Research

Although classical sociology has long neglected the role of environmental factors in the determination and interpretation of social facts, considering the environment as an external variable that is complementary or even irrelevant to the social fact (Durkheim, 1982), in recent years the biological and physiological dimensions began to recover the space that had long been denied to them. Peace studies and sustainablility studies have played an important role on it.

Living smart in smart cities. Changing senses and changing insitutions

With the introduction of digital technologies in every area of our daily life, the way people conceive cities with their squares, streets and infrastructures has radically changed. In their race for sustainability and smartness, cities are adapting their urban models to new ways of life that are radically different from the past and that are inspired by principles connected to ecology, democracy and well-being. To change is not only the geographical or architectonic characteristic of the place, but also its sense in the individual and collective identity dimension.

The economics of peace and sustainable development. The European Union and its economic relations with Western Balkans

The principle at the heart of the creation of the European Union and of the more extended European Economic Area is the assumption that economic interdependence and cooperation are harbingers of peace. The aim of the present work is to verify this assumption, to demonstrate the social and economic pillars of its success and to investigate the challenge it poses for development and sustainability. In this framework we will consider the impact of two development strategies in the Western Balkans.

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