
Neurologia sperimentale, neuroingegneria e telemedicina

Neurologia sperimentale, neuroingegneria e telemedicina

L'attività sperimentale del gruppo di ricerca coordinato dal Prof. Antonio Suppa si articola in 3 principali linee di ricerca:
- Sviluppo e applicazione di metodiche avanzate di neuromodulazione non invasiva (ad es. stimolazione magnetica transcranica- TMS ecc) al fine di studiare sperimentalmente e in modo non invasivo i meccanismi di plasticità sinaptica nelle aree motorie corticali in soggetti sani (fisiologia del sistema motorio) e in pazienti affetti da Malattia di Parkinson e altri disordini del movimento (fisiopatologia di specifici segni e sintomi motori). 

Impact of the sars-cov2 pandemic on orthodontic therapies: An italian experience of teleorthodontics

Objective: To assess the possibility of controlling patients at a distance according to principles of teleorthodontics to understand its possible usefulness in the future routine activity and the impact pandemic may have had on different types of orthodontic treatments. Material and Methods: One hundred orthodontic patients (57 F, 43 M, age 7-46) during quarantine were checked through videocalls and photos sent by patients following proper instructions. Three groups have been distinguished based on the type of therapy: A-fixed appliances; B-removable appliances; C-clear aligners.

Wearable sensors system for an improved analysis of freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease using electromyography and inertial signals

We propose a wearable sensor system for automatic, continuous and ubiquitous analysis of Freezing of Gait (FOG), in patients affected by Parkinson's disease. FOG is an unpredictable gait disorder with different clinical manifestations, as the trembling and the shuffling-like phenotypes, whose underlying pathophysiology is not fully understood yet. Typical trembling-like subtype features are lack of postural adaptation and abrupt trunk inclination, which in general can increase the fall probability.

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