
Contactless Physiological Assessment of Mental Workload During Teleworking-like Task

Human physiological parameters have been proven as reliable and objective indicators of user’s mental states, such as the Mental Workload. However, standard methodologies for evaluating physiological parameters generally imply a certain grade of invasiveness. It is largely demonstrated the relevance of monitoring workers to improve their working conditions. A contactless approach to estimate workers’ physiological parameters would be highly suitable because it would not interfere with the working activities and comfort of the workers.

Homage: What Patrizio Di Nicola Has Left Behind

From its very inception Patrizio Di Nicola was one of the key figures of the European Network on Regional Labor Market Monitoring (EN RLMM). He passed away too early. He has left a void that cannot be filled. In these brief notes, I will try to outline the research paths on which he ventured and, at the same time, to understand how to gather and continue the very considerable contributions he left.

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