Homage: What Patrizio Di Nicola Has Left Behind
From its very inception Patrizio Di Nicola was one of the key figures of the European Network on Regional Labor Market Monitoring (EN RLMM). He passed away too early. He has left a void that cannot be filled. In these brief notes, I will try to outline the research paths on which he ventured and, at the same time, to understand how to gather and continue the very considerable contributions he left.
Patrizio delivered many studies, contributions and suggestions that are really difficult to put in order (because he was not a "tidy" researcher). The leaps he made were numerous and important. Let us try to summarise them:
I think that his contributions can be summed up in three key topics:
a) The first concerns flexibility and precariousness in the labour market;
b) The second has to do with his interests in the business world and, in particular, with the organisational dimensions in which the factors of production are combined;
c) The third is the one that absorbed Patrizio's energies more than any other; I am referring first and foremost to his studies on teleworking and smart working.