thymic carcinoma

Report from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons prospective thymic database 2017. A powerful resource for a collaborative global effort to manage thymic tumours

OBJECTIVES We queried the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) prospective thymic database for descriptive analysis and for comparison with the ESTS retrospective thymic database (1990-2010). METHODS Data were retrieved (January 2007-November 2017) for 1122 patients from 75 ESTS institutions. RESULTS There were 484 (65%) thymomas, 207 (28%) thymic carcinomas and 49 (7%) neuroendocrine thymic tumours. Staging (Masaoka) included 483 (67%) stage I and II, 100 (14%) stage III and 70 (10%) stage IV tumours.

Multimodality treatment of stage II thymic tumours

Complete resection for stage II thymic tumors can be easily accomplished even if the capsula and adjacent mediastinal tissue are macroscopically involved; however, also at this stage, recurrence may occur, particularly for B2, B3 and thymic carcinoma. The criteria for the administration of adjuvant therapy remain controversial and it is unclear whether patients at this stage may benefit from it. We reviewed a series of patients at this stage receiving adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy (chemo-RT) based on histology.

Thymic epithelial tumors phenotype relies on miR-145-5p epigenetic regulation

Thymoma and thymic carcinoma are the most frequent subtypes of thymic epithelial tumors (TETs). A relevant advance in TET management could derive from a deeper molecular characterization of these neoplasms. We previously identified a set of microRNA (miRNAs) differentially expressed in TETs and normal thymic tissues and among the most significantly deregulated we described the down-regulation of miR-145-5p in TET. Here we describe the mRNAs diversely regulated in TETs and analyze the correlation between these and the miRNAs previously identified, focusing in particular on miR-145-5p.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma