
Visual Devices for Representing, Communicating and Promoting the City

Due to the affective relationship that citizens and communities develop with the places they inhabit, representations of a city have historically served as a vehicle to suggest interpretations. With this assumption, the experimentation conducted with the students in the undergraduate Industrial Design course at the Sapienza University of Rome was established with the conviction that to enhance a city, its culture, and its heritage, it is still necessary to find appropriate forms that can gather identities and diversity, individual experience, and community knowledge.

Turismo e tempo libero nell'Europa meridionale: l'Italia dalla proclamazione dell'impero agli anni successivi alla seconda guerra mondiale

The aim’s work is the analysis of the development and management of tourism in the Southern Italy, over a period covering the years ranging from the proclamation of the Italian empire to those immediately following the second post-war period. The unpublished sources were found in the Historical Archive of the Bank of Italy and the Archive of the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno (by the balance of the Cassa) in which the tourist situation is considered within a broader context.

Mega events: a critical point of view

The paper aims to focus on the debate about mega event, and in particular on the effects that an important “media event” is able to generate on the territory and on its tourism attractiveness. On the one hand, mega events can be considered as a strong tourist attraction, and as powerful opportunities to improve the image of the city and to attract national and international visitors (Mihalik and Simoneita, 1998); on the other hand, they can represent a real barrier to development, “contributing to the naturalization of social inequalities” (Horne, 2007).

Accessible Tourism in Rome

The topics of inclusion and disability are currently discussed in modern society. In particular, the concept of accessibility draws a wide range of attention legislation, architecture and tourism. Accessible tourism is a quality perspective of tourism, and it provides a panorama of change and evolution. The paper, which focuses on the city of Rome, analyzes the advantages and criticisms of these "forgotten" and underestimated market niches. Information, transports, space distribution, and safety are involved in the development of the accessible destination.

Roma e la realtà del turismo - Rome and the reality of tourism

The current reality of the historic center of Rome shows how in recent decades the facies of some of the city's districts have been modified, sometimes compromised and conditioned, by interventions not just finalized to restoration and/or maintenance, but rather strong adaptations and also by the so-called re-use or adaptive re-use, often applied to entire building, for touristic use. The diffusion, perhaps in some cases excessive, of new hotels, Bed and breakfast (B&b), Relais etc...

Psicologia del turismo: dal Comitato Scientifico Interdisciplinare all’A.R.I.P.T. Fo.R.P. Verso nuove professioni manageriali?

The present contribution is aimed at reconstructing the history of the Psychology of Tourism in Italy through the lens of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Committee "Psychology and Tourism" set up in September 1984 during the Workshop “Psychology and Tourism” that followed the Conference the XX Congress of Italian Psychologists, at San Pellegrino Terme (Bergamo), in a territorial reality that evoked ancient forms of tourism.

Venezia tra salvaguardia del patrimonio e monocoltura turistica

Il paper intende analizzare e discutere alcuni esiti dei processi di valorizzazione del patrimonio storico-artistico che, nel contesto della crescita senza precedenti dell’economia turistica - sempre più elemento trainante dell’economia delle città - rischia di mettere in secondo piano tanto le necessità conservative e di tutela dell’heritage stesso quanto le condizioni di vivibilità e sostenibilità sociale dell’organismo urbano.

Per una critica dell'economia turistica. Venezia tra museificazione e mercificazione

Venezia, minacciata dall’esodo dei suoi abitanti ancor più che dalle acque alte, è meta ogni anno del pellegrinaggio secolare di oltre 30 milioni di visitatori. Cristallizzata nella sua immagine e al tempo stesso stravolta nel suo paesaggio umano, la città lagunare esibisce in maniera esemplare il destino che l’Occidente sta riservando ai suoi centri storici, sempre meno pensati come luoghi in cui vivere e sempre più ridotti a parchi tematici destinati al consumo turistico.

Epilithon ?15N signatures indicate the origins of nitrogen loading and its seasonal dynamics in a volcanic lake

The intensification of agricultural land use and urbanisation has increased nutrient loads in aquatic ecosystems. Nitrogen loads can alter ecosystem structure and functioning, resulting in increased algal productivity, algal blooms and eutrophication. The principal aim of the present paper is to extend the use of epilithic ?15N signatures to a lake ecosystem in order to evaluate the potential impact of anthropogenic nitrogen discharges (organic and inorganic) that can also reach coastal waters.

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