
Macaque monkeys learn and perform a non-match-to-goal task using an automated home cage training procedure

In neurophysiology, nonhuman primates represent an important model for studying the brain. Typically, monkeys are moved from their home cage to an experimental room daily, where they sit in a primate chair and interact with electronic devices. Refining this procedure would make the researchers' work easier and improve the animals' welfare. To address this issue, we used home-cage training to train two macaque monkeys in a non-match-to-goal task, where each trial required a switch from the choice made in the previous trial to obtain a reward.

National adoption of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) lobectomy: The Italian VATS register evaluation

Background: The expertise curve of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) lobectomies still stirs debate and controversy both because of the number of procedures to carry out and of the evaluation of the learning threshold. The purpose of our study was the examination of the variables related to the learning curve of the video-assisted approach, to establish what may be an expression of the technical maturity of the surgeon. Methods: The National Register for VATS lobectomy built in 2013 was used to collect data from 65 Thoracic Surgery Units.

Learning curve in open inguinal hernia repair. A quality improvement multicentre study about Lichtenstein technique

Purpose: Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most performed procedure all over the world with more than 20 million procedures performed each year. Due to the lack of data in literature about the learning curve of the Lichtenstein procedure, we decided to reproduce a research on learning curves with the same methodology proposed in our previous study about laparoscopic hernia repair. The aim of this multicentre study was to analyse how many cases are required to achieve the learning curve for a Lichtenstein procedure.

Efficacia di un training di regolazione delle emozioni in un gruppo di studenti universitari.

La regolazione emotiva (RE) è fondamentale per il benessere psicofisico degli studenti universitari che spesso si trovano a fronteggiare situazioni stressanti e stimoli del tutto nuovi. In letteratura sono pochi gli studi che verifichino gli effetti di training specifici sulla RE con studenti universitari.

Rail Education in Italy: The Successful Experience of Cooperation Between Academia and Industry at Sapienza

The aim of this paper is to describe three different examples of cooperation between academia and industry in the field of railway transport that have been successfully carried out at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in the last few years. The first experience is the postgraduate course in “Railway Infrastructure and Systems Engineering” promoted by “La Sapienza” and funded by the major rail

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