
A Topic Recommender for Journalists

The way in which people acquire information on events and form their own
opinion on them has changed dramatically with the advent of social media. For many
readers, the news gathered from online sources become an opportunity to share points
of view and information within micro-blogging platforms such as Twitter, mainly
aimed at satisfying their communication needs. Furthermore, the need to deepen the
aspects related to news stimulates a demand for additional information which is often

Better safe than sorry: an adversarial approach to improve social bot detection

The arm race between spambots and spambot-detectors is made of several cycles (or generations): a new wave of spambots is created (and new spam is spread), new spambot filters are derived and old spambots mutate (or evolve) to new species. Recently, with the diffusion of the adversarial learning approach, a new practice is emerging: to manipulate on purpose target samples in order to make stronger detection models.

Emergent properties, models, and laws of behavioral similarities within groups of twitter users

DNA-inspired online behavioral modeling techniques have been proposed and successfully applied to a broad range of tasks. In this paper, we investigate the fundamental laws that drive the occurrence of behavioral similarities among Twitter users, employing a DNA-inspired technique. Our findings are multifold. First, we demonstrate that, despite apparently featuring little to no similarities, the online behaviors of Twitter users are far from being uniformly random. Secondly, we benchmark different behavioral models through a number of simulations.

Davanti ad un mondo che cambia chi è più pericoloso tra Trump e Zuckerberg? Alla ricerca di una risposta che penetri nei meccanismi che governano la nostra vita in rete

È finito, per fortuna, il 2020. Ma il 2021 non è iniziato bene. Il passaggio nel secondo anno del terzo decennio del terzo millennio ci ha fornito le prime dosi del vaccino anti COVID, ma non ci ha portato la conclusione della pandemia: l’Europa, a differenza di quello che è successo durante lo scorso anno, non è più l’epicentro della crisi epidemica e altre aree del mondo sono altrettanto gravemente e duramente colpite, ma non vi è dubbio che il sistema economico europeo è quello che ha maggiormente sentito le conseguenze della epidemia.

From the psychoanalyst’s couch to social networks

Given the important role that the psychoanalysis has played in the field of intervention on mental health for many years and the controversial debate that as therapeutical practice has been always originated and recently reactivated, it is of particular interest to discusses the actuality of the SRT fifty years later in the era of social networks. It does so by exploring the dynamics of the interchange between scientific and lay knowledge regarding psychoanalysis, psychiatry and mental health in light of a corpus of spontaneous conversations among Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo!

Networked volunteering during the 2013 Sardinian floods.

The article describes how ordinary citizens used Twitter as an emergency-management tool during the heavy floods that occurred in Sardinia, Italy, in November 2013. The case study constitutes an example of digital volunteering in the aftermath of a disaster event. The article applies the connective action framework (Bennet & Segerberg, 2012) for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of self-organized disaster communication activities on social media.

L’autoregolamentazione dei principali Social Network. Una prima ricognizione delle regole sui contenuti politici

Il contributo prevede una ricognizione critica della disciplina di Google (YouTube), Facebook e Twitter sui contenuti politici e sugli annunci a pagamento relativi alla dimensione politica. L’analisi tende a dimostrare come il metodo dell’autoregolamentazione sia efficace nella gestione immediata delle questioni controverse, ma si rivela, nel complesso, inefficace, in quanto genera risultati anche radicalmente diversi in base alla strategia (economica) della singola piattaforma. Infine osserva alcune novità come l’Independent Oversight Board di Facebook.

Compliments in congratulatory tweets to Spanish Olympic athletes

In this chapter we examine the form and function of compliments in congratulatory tweets sent to Spanish athletes during the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. The study is based on a corpus of 500 tweets taken from the profiles of 14 Spanish athletes (5–21 August 2016). Compliments play an important role in congratulatory remarks as they serve to either realize congratulations or to support them. Findings show that congratulatory acts supported by compliments or stand-alone compliments acting as congratulatory acts exceed tweets of congratulatory remarks alone.

Actos de habla expresivos y emociones en entornos digitales. Publicidad en Twitter

El trabajo trata sobre los actos de habla expresivos y de las emociones en los entornos digitales, especialmente, Twitter. Es un trabajo que se ha desarrollado dentro del Proyecto de Investigación I+D "Gestión de la Información y estructuración linguística: explicaciones y aplicaciones" financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma