United Nations

Family Reunification in International Law: The Current United Nations Legal Framework and the Practice of Human Rights Bodies

Il saggio contiene un'analisi critica dell'attuale quadro normativo delle Nazioni Unite riguardante il ricongiungimento familiare. Nel dettaglio, sono stati esaminati i principali atti internazionali, a carattere generale, relativi alla tutela dei diritti umani, nonché quelli interamente dedicati alla protezione dei rifugiati e dei migranti, senza trascurare la Convenzione di New York sui diritti del fanciullo del 1989. Lo studio è stato condotto alla luce della prassi dei cd.

Article 30 - Participation in Cultural Life, Recreation, Leisure and Sport

Article 30 provides for the right of persons with disabilities to the cultural life and their participation in recreational, leisure, tourism and sports activities in a position of equality with others. We are dealing with another key norm of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This paper examines the content of the provision and in particular the different typologies of obligations on States Parties.

Article 33 - National Implementation and Monitoring

Article 33 regulates the implementation and the national monitoring system of the Convention. In particular, Contracting States have the postive obligation to designate focal points for matters relating to the implementation of the Convention, to establish or to designate a coordination mechanism and finally, according to the para. 2 of the Article 33, to establish one or more national independent mechanism(s). Such national mechanism is engaged in a wide range of activities. In general, it is created in order to promote, to protect and monitor the implementation of the Treaty.

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