Article 33 - National Implementation and Monitoring

02 Pubblicazione su volume
Manca Luigino

Article 33 regulates the implementation and the national monitoring system of the Convention. In particular, Contracting States have the postive obligation to designate focal points for matters relating to the implementation of the Convention, to establish or to designate a coordination mechanism and finally, according to the para. 2 of the Article 33, to establish one or more national independent mechanism(s). Such national mechanism is engaged in a wide range of activities. In general, it is created in order to promote, to protect and monitor the implementation of the Treaty. This provision constitutes one of the main novelties introduced by the Convention. The paper examines the content of the provision and in particular the legal nature of the States parties' obligations. The analysis has been conducted taking into account the travaux préparatoires of the Convention and in the light of the more recent practice of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

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