urban forst

New urban forests in layering landscapes

In our country new imagery of the urban forest are connected to local values of biodiversity, to new outdoor collective practices , to the needs of sustainable mobility. In this direction many landscape projects underway in the urbanized territories of Rome
have assumed the forest not only as an element of ecological rebalancing but as a motor for
reorganization and improvement of urban spaces and activities, a factor of sociality, health ,
environmental awareness, green economies, etc.

Layering- an open way to new forest design

The concept of layering is quite familiar in the contemporary landscape project.
Its interpretation is aimed at understanding the different layers, historically identifiable, of a territory’s evolution from different points of view, showing the role of the environmental resources in the different ages… It also implies a project related to the present.
Trough our experiences we understood the fertility of a forest project based on these constituent elements:
a. The consideration of one or more layers related to local historical & environmental evolution

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma