Layering- an open way to new forest design

04 Pubblicazione in atti di convegno
Caravaggi Lucina, Imbroglini Cristina

The concept of layering is quite familiar in the contemporary landscape project.
Its interpretation is aimed at understanding the different layers, historically identifiable, of a territory’s evolution from different points of view, showing the role of the environmental resources in the different ages… It also implies a project related to the present.
Trough our experiences we understood the fertility of a forest project based on these constituent elements:
a. The consideration of one or more layers related to local historical & environmental evolution
b. The choice of plants with high ecological efficiency
c. The dialogue with local communities to interpret specific collective meanings of new, or ancient, forests.
Rome - field of application for the current researches
- We experimented the importance of these same concepts in some recent researches focused on Rome’s territory.
- We are promoting new urban forests within many researches dedicated to the urbanized territories of Rome beyond the GRA (great anular ring road), where the problems of a contemporary metropolis are inseparable from the protection and development of the wonderful ancient Roman countryside.
- We are promoting the project of new woods in Rome like a multi-disciplinary project, trying to prevent the eternal conflict between different public sectors of local administration (particularly between historical-archeological, environmental and infrastructures sectors) and trying to find out performative solutions from the different point of view.
- And finally we are trying to activate a dialogue with the local communities to understand from within needs and possibilities to develop new green activities, and consequently new green economies.

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