
Uncertainty quantification method for RELAP5-3D© using RAVEN and application on NACIE experiments

The best estimate plus uncertainty (BEPU) method plays a key role in the development of the innovative Generation IV nuclear reactors, for the improvement of knowledge and the good evaluation of the safety margins for new phenomena. The aim of this paper is to validate an uncertainty quantification (UQ) approach using RAVEN code. RAVEN, developed at the Idaho National Laboratory, is a multipurpose probabilistic and uncertainty quantification framework, capable to communicate with any system code, implemented with an integrated validation methodology involving several different metrics.

Chemometrics applied to plant spectral analysis

In this chapter, a survey of the chemometric (data analytical) methods most used for the characterization of plant varieties and cultivars based on spectroscopic measurements is presented. After an introductory section, illustrating the basics of data representation, the main tools for exploratory (descriptive) data analysis and predictive modeling are discussed. In particular, how to predict quantitative responses by multivariate calibration methods and how to assess qualitative attributes by means of classification techniques are addressed.

Chemometric methods for classification and feature selection

Classification methods, i.e., the chemometric strategies for predicting a qualitative response, find many applications in the omic sciences, where often data are collected in order to categorize individuals (e.g. according to whether they were treated or administered a placebo or, for instance, depending on if they were healthy or ill). After a brief discussion of the differences between discriminant and modelling approaches, some of the techniques most commonly used in the omic fields are illustrated in greater detail.

Chemometrics in analytical chemistry—part II: modeling, validation, and applications

The contribution of chemometrics to important stages throughout the entire analytical process such as experimental design, sampling, and explorative data analysis, including data pretreatment and fusion, was described in the first part of the tutorial “Chemometrics in analytical chemistry.” This is the second part of a tutorial article on chemometrics which is devoted to the supervised modeling of multivariate chemical data, i.e., to the building of calibration and discrimination models, their quantitative validation, and their successful applications in different scientific fields.

Multivariate statistics: considerations and confidences in food authenticity problems

Modern analytical measurement technologies, such as infrared, NMR, mass spectrometry and chromatography, provide a wealth of information on the chemical composition of all kinds of samples. These instruments are invariably controlled by computers, and the data (spectrum, chromatogram) recorded in digital form. A measurement on a single sample typically comprises thousands of numbers. Usually, this is many more than the number of samples, meaning that the experiment overall is underdetermined.

Analysis of milk and nondairy beverages: method validation for determination of mercury by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectroscopy and of mayor and trace element by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Milk contains a variety of nutrients and is long associated with a number of health benefits. It is rich in high-quality proteins and important vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins. Recently, however, some people have started to avoid milk due to health problems, such as dietary restrictions, allergies and intolerances, and ethical issues regarding the use of animals. As a result, various types of non-standard dairy milk and nondairy milk beverages are now available (goat milk, donkey milk, soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, oat milk etc.).

Fast method for the determination of major and trace elements in breast milk: optimization and validation

Breast milk, the first and irreplaceable source of nourishment for the infant, and the wellbeing of both the mother and baby are increasingly threatened by contamination from environmental toxic agents. In particular, elements can be used as good indicators/tracers of environmental and food contamination. In turn, as well as urine [1–3], and serum [4], breast milk can be considered as suitable biological matrix for biomonitoring studies.

Optimization and validation of a fast digestion method for the determination of major and trace elements in breast milk by ICP-MS

Breast milk guarantees all the nutrients required by infants during their first few months of life and remains the most important food source for their health and growth. However, the mother may transfer potentially toxic chemicals to the suckling infant through breastfeeding. The aim of this study was to optimize and validate a fast method for the determination of a total content of 34 elements (Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Te, Ti, Tl, U, V, and Zn) in liquid and lyophilized breast milk.

Simple and rapid method for the determination of mercury in human hair by cold vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry

The aim of the study was to develop and validate a rapid method for the analysis of the total Hg concentration in human hair, specifically, Eritrean hair. For total Hg determination, the cold vapour generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS) technique was used, and the results were compared with those of the more frequently used advanced mercury analyser (AMA). Samples were prepared by washing the hair and collecting two samples; the first was used for the direct analysis of Hg by AMA and the second was digested for Hg determination by CV-AFS.

Treatment of non-invasive biological matrix samples for screening determination of major and trace elements by inductivity coupled plasma mass spectrometry

The determination of major and trace elements in non-invasive biological matrix (i.e. human hair, breast milk, meconium, and urine) is potentially useful for assessing an individual's health status and monitoring occupational and environmental exposure [1-3]. On the other hand, owing to the lack of standardised biological matrix analysis procedures (including sample treatment methods), it is difficult to compare and interpret the results (intervals and reference values) from different studies and reach significant conclusions.

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