
Towards the Use of Images on the Web

It could be the task of a new scientific magazine dealing with images to question themselves about the studies that can be done on the heritage of images on the web, rather than aiming only to create new ones. Behind the methods of selection and production of images there are informations that can interest both the psychologist and the anthropologist, both the visual culture scholar and the architect. What considerations can we draw from the hyper-production of contemporary images?

Il Grand Tour del XXI secolo

Un luogo — un bene culturale — è sempre mediato. Sia che la mediazione acquisti un ruolo prevalente, sia quando essa accompagni collateralmente la fruizione, il luogo o il bene non viene preso in considerazione immediatamente per il suo valore storico–artistico intrinseco, ma piuttosto perché questo è inserito in un plot, in una fiction.

"Mondo reale-tradizionale" e "mondo digitale", strategie aziendali e web intelligence: il futuro del controllo e della gestione delle informazioni

The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the web intelligence may influence the principal dimensions of strategic intelligence, improving the capacity to make right strategic moves. Specifically, the aim is to study the possibilities and the risks, with the related control needs, of using web data and web information in defining strat-egies in the real traditional world, and not only in defining web strategies.

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