work-family conflict

Antecedents and consequences of work-family conflicts: Italian women entrepreneurs’ experiences

This paper aims at unveiling the work-family conflict construct
experienced by women entrepreneurs, by testing an all-inclusive model that
considers work and family antecedents and consequences of WFC. The study is
grounded on Europe and data from 511 Italian women entrepreneurs have
been collected mailing a survey of 45 multiple choice questions. Opposing
arguments either for the within and cross-domain hypotheses in relation to
antecedents, or for the matching and cross-domain hypotheses in relation to the


La diffusione pandemica del covid-19 ha reso il lavoro da remoto un’esigenza per molte imprese, creando per i lavoratori nuove sfide nella realizzazione delle proprie esigenze di work-life balance. Anche per questo, il tema risulta sempre più discusso e attuale, in virtù dei forti cambiamenti che hanno rivoluzionato il modo di lavorare. L’approccio più recente alla conciliazione tra lavoro e famiglia studia e approfondisce i modi specifici attraverso cui le persone gestiscono i confini tra le due sfere di vita, meglio definito Boundary management.

The nature of job crafting: positive and negative relations with job satisfaction and work-family conflict

This study investigated job crafting as mediator and its relation with job satisfaction and work-family conflict, considering job autonomy as antecedent. The research involved 389 participants working in a public organization. A structural equations model was estimated revealing that job autonomy is positively associated with job crafting and job satisfaction, and negatively associated with work-family conflict. Job crafting is positively related with job satisfaction and work-family conflict, as adverse effect of job crafting.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma