
Teens’ Voice 2018/2019 Percezioni di sé e della società Opinioni e consigli per la scuola

Per il quinto anno consecutivo, i Saloni dello studente Campus sono stati sede della ricerca Teen’s Voice, che si propone come osservatorio di ascolto dei giovani in uscita dalla scuola secondaria di secondo grado. Dare voce ai giovani vuol dire ascoltare in modo attivo, nel nostro approccio proponendo domande e problemi che generino risposte interessanti.

Positive Identity and Well-Being among Italian Lesbian, Gay And Bisexual Youth: A Resilience Perspective

Most of the research on lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) youth has focused on mental health disparities, at-risk behaviors, and victimization. Very few studies have used a resilience perspective studying the well-being of LGB youth as a unique vector of experience that is different from the absence of mental health problems (Mohr and Kendra, 2011; Kertzner, et al., 2009; Riggle et al., 2014).

Early‑career complexity before and after labour‑market deregulation in Italy. Heterogeneity by gender and socio‑economic status across cohorts

Labour-market deregulation may have generated more unstable and complex employment life courses. As exposure to highly volatile early-career trajectories has long-lasting consequences for the working lives of individuals, it is especially important to consider how these processes have affected younger workers in countries like Italy. Here, deregulation ‘at the margins’ of the labour market has been

Social robots as cultural objects: The sixth dimension of dynamicity?

We investigate youths’ conceptualization of social robots. Informed by Schudson’s theory of the potency of the cultural object, we conducted two studies. The first study centered on essays on social robots written by bachelor’s and master’s students. The second study centered on prototypes of social robots built by small groups comprised of same students. The essays and prototypes were content analyzed. The results confirm that social robots embody all five dimensions that characterize cultural objects.

Youth risk-taking and leisure. A multifactorial model in the italian context

Literature on youth and risk has traditionally been dominated by psycho-dynamic
explanations of social action, studied within a set of adult discourses and searching
for single causes for risk-taking in practices like the abuse of alcohol and drugs,
unprotected sex and dangerous driving.
To overcome these limitations, we listened to young Italian people through a
survey conducted on a sample of 1,175 secondary school students and aimed at
collecting their viewpoints on and experiences of the relationship between risk and

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