La Giolitina Salmi penitentiali. Edizioni e ristampe

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Morace R
ISSN: 0392-6915

The study, strictly philological, analyzes the various sixteenth century editions and reprints of the anthology Salmi penitenziali di diversi eccel- lenti autori, appeared for the types of Giolito in 1568. It clarifies that in the 1569 there was not a second edition, but a reprint of the princeps, and the erroneous attributions of some poems; it specifies the editions from which the curator, Francesco Turchi, extracted the poetic para- phrases of the psalms and the spiritual poems, trying to define the rea- sons of the spiritual-devotional turn of Giolito at the end of the ’60s of the sixteenth century.

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