Turbulent contributions to Ohm's law in axisymmetric magnetized plasmas

01 Pubblicazione su rivista
Chavdarovski I., Gatto R.
ISSN: 1070-664X

The effect of magnetic turbulence in shaping the current density profile in axisymmetric magnetized plasmas is analyzed using a turbulent extension of Ohm's law derived from the self-consistent action-angle transport theory. Besides the well-known hyper-resistive (helicity conserving) contribution, the generalized Ohm's law contains an anomalous resistivity term and a turbulent bootstrap-like term proportional to the current density derivative. The numerical solution of the equation for equilibrium and turbulence profiles characteristic of conventional and advanced scenarios shows that, through the "turbulent bootstrap" effect and anomalous resistivity, power and parallel current can be generated which are a sizable portion (about 20%-25%) of the corresponding effects associated with the neoclassical bootstrap effect. The degree of alignment of the turbulence peak and the pressure gradient plays an important role in defining the steady-state regime. In a fully bootstrapped tokamak, the hyper-resistivity is essential in overcoming the intrinsic limitation of the hollow current profile.

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