Teaching Environmental Technological Design. Fostering meaningful learning integrating green infrastructure into architectural and urban design
Environmental risks such as failure of climate-change mitigation and adaptation—which is
considered the most potentially impactful risk and the third most likely, with water crises,
biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse (WEF 2016: 6)—are rising up the list of worldwide
Landscape architects, and other professionals from related disciplines, are deemed
to contribute with “adaptive” architectural and urban design levering on nature-based
solutions and appropriate technologies1 (Schumacher 1974; Thormann 1979) in order to
mitigate negative impacts and strengthen resilience.2
While researchers and scientists have discussed ecosystem services for many decades, the
Ecosystem Services concept itself became popular with the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
(MA) only in the early 2000s. The specific contribution of ‘Green Infrastructure’ (GI)
to the provision of Ecosystem Services (MA 2003) is still mostly unexplored in European
landscape architecture and architectural and urban design professional practice. It is therefore
important that students of building professions—landscape architects, architects and
engineers—exchange experience and co-learn how the integration of GI into architectural
and urban design can help create more sustainable urban settings.
In the environmental technological design studio taught by the author at the Faculty of
Architecture of ‘Sapienza’ Università di Roma, students are asked to develop their project
focusing on GI specialized design strategies and construction techniques in order to implement
adaptive interventions aiming at resilient architecture and inclusive urban design.
The key learning objectives of the courses are: the provision of cultural and methodological
references and of technical and operative tools to realize—in a coherent relationship
with the built environment—bio-eco-oriented environmental technological design interventions
at both architectural and urban scale. The learning activities help develop experimental
knowledge of the diagnostic methods for environmental and cultural heritage,
and of the key strategies for its requalification, valorisation and restoration, in particular
through the GI design approach. The main goal is to sensitise students to the urgent need
of long-run equilibrium conditions among settlements, anthropogenic activities and Natural
Capital, in a dynamic scenario of technological innovation and sustainability.