Riqualificazione architettonica e riconnessioni socio-ecologiche per la rigenerazione urbana. Il caso della città di Velletri. Architectural requalification and social ecological reconnections for urban regeneration. The city of Velletri case study
The experimental activities of the Master in "Environmental Technological Design" 2017-18, of “Sapienza” PDTA Department are grounded in an inclusive and resilient development-oriented design concept hinged on limiting land use, and producing job opportunities and well-being by focusing on innovation and civic cooperation. Through a comprehensive study of the site, recent accomplishments and on-going programs, the ETD Master’ students developed under the authors’ guidance the Masterplan "Velletri 2030" which declines strategies and solutions on three main axis: improving the mobility infrastructure; redeveloping disused public buildings and open space; and pursuing a "smart city" model. In order to radically reorganize physical structures and behaviours, the project aims specifically at socio-cultural service quality of public space, environmental sustainability, health and safety of citizens. The benefits for the community, pursued by a detailed proposal taking the approach "Urban Green Blue Infrastructure", rely on improving transport efficiency; increasing quality and sense of place of public space; and progressing environmental technological architectural and urban requalification. The contribution, through the illustration of the centrality of public space for inclusive and resilient architectural and urban design, is aimed at stimulating reflection and debate on the more comprehensive topic of regeneration and revitalization of the so-called urban “minor centers”.