Blind prediction of in-plane and out-of-plane responses for a thin singly reinforced concrete flanged wall specimen
This paper describes the blind prediction carried out to simulate the response of a thin reinforced concrete wall tested under uni-directional (in-plane) quasi-static reverse cyclic loading. The specimen was a singly reinforced T-shaped wall panel with a shear-span ratio of 3.7. The response of the test specimen was simulated prior to the release of test results using a finite element model which had already been verified for its capabilities in capturing different failure patterns of rectangular walls, particularly out-of-plane instability. The numerical model predicted a flexural dominated response for the specimen accompanied by considerable out-of-plane deformations. The blind prediction report, submitted in advance to the principal investigator of the experimental campaign, included lateral load-top displacement response of the specimen, maximum out-of-plane deformation corresponding to each drift level, evolution of out-of-plane displacements throughout in-plane loading, response of the longitudinal reinforcement at the section exhibiting the maximum out-of-plane deformation, and von Mises as well as reinforcement stress distribution at some key points of the wall response. Furthermore, a parametric study was carried out addressing the effects of shear-span ratio, reinforcement eccentricity and axial load ratio on the wall response. Results of the numerical simulation that had been included in the blind prediction report have been compared with the experimental measurements indicating that the evolution of the out-of-plane deformation was well captured by the model.