The MR-compatible VISUASTIM system includes: a slim visor 20/20 and an integrated eye-tracker camera; a high-resolution projector-based system; an accompanying stereo audio stream with complete frequency response at the range of 40-40,000 hz ; a 10 button response pad subdivided in 2 blocks of five for every hand, adequate even in the need for bimanual response; a 5-button joystick; an out-of-the scanner desktop control unit with redundant calculation power for most needs regarding multichannel stimulus presentation and response recording.
The MR-compatible system provided by BIOPAC is a multichannel modular amplifier, receiver and signal converter, for simultaneous recording of multiple signals such as electrocardiogram, electromyography, respiration rate, pulse-plethysmograph, electrodermal response; it also includes triaxial accelerometer, hand force transducer and related response pad. Also included is the AcqKnowledge software license , enabled for data transmission to third party components
cognome | nome | |
Petsas | Nikolaos |
data |
21/03/2022 |
anno |
2022 |