OGID Osservatorio Giuridico sull'Innovazione Digitale - JODI Juridical Observatory on Digital Innovation
Established in 2019 at the Department of Law and Economics of Productive Activities of Università di Roma La Sapienza, the Juridical Observatory on Digital Innovation - JODI (Osservatorio giuridico delle innovazioni digitali - OGID) focusses on the interpretation of the many acts of the European Union in the digital field. JODI (OGID)’s activities include the participation in public consultation procedures in matters relating to EU’s projects of governance of digital innovation, the organization of seminars and webinars on a regular basis run by internal members as well as by external researchers and professionals with a variety of backgrounds, as well as the promotion and editing of publications.
JODI (OGID) is headed by Prof. Salvatore Orlando, who is full professor of Private Law at Università di Roma La Sapienza, Faculty of Economics, and lawyer in Rome. Dr. Daniele Imbruglia and Dr. Lucio Casalini are in charge of the organization of the various activites.
JODI (OGID)'s seminars/webinars are open to everyone interested in joining. Seminars are held in presence at the premises of the Department of Law and Economics of Productive Activities of Università di Roma La Sapienza in via Castro Laurenziano, while webinars are held on Zoom. Each presentation is typically followed by a discussion.
To join them, please send an email to jodi.deap@uniroma1.it.
Special webinars identified with the words "REM TENE" after the Latin motto rem tene verba sequentur are held by non-legal experts and are aimed at providing useful notions derived either from research in the fields of Computer Science, Neurosciences and Statistics and from the actual implementation of digital technologies in the business and non-profit sectors.